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L337 Box

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Everything posted by L337 Box

  1. looks like a really nice playable mod. but a FileShare link would make it cooler >.<
  2. it's a safer way to give mods to people because bungie (appearently) has that new FileShare scanner doo-hickey and all you have to do is transfer them to your 360. If im correct.
  3. its cool but its REALLY slow.
  4. hey jime think you can show me too?^.^
  5. Double post?
  6. http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=43588007 theres a file share link if anybody needs.
  7. i barely watched any of that youtube vid. you kept doing the same thing over and over again. ( killing elites, Driving elephant) but i guess those were kinda good.
  8. another very nice tag list Jime. Good job.
  9. it'd ne cool if you help me get my 50 ^.^
  10. thats cool. im not Dling though kuz i got just a 20 Gb =l
  11. Sounds cool.
  12. looks pretty cool.
  13. i dled it. it said i cant open the file?
  14. fine i'll test it out -.-
  15. Lewkz ShMexy..
  16. again wtf does it do?
  17. what is it exactly?
  18. That looks awesome Naruto is my favorite anime.
  19. pretty good for your first i guess? But it's COMPLETELY random >.<
  20. not that funny.
  21. same.
  22. Happy Bday MFone.
  23. wow sounds good. ill dl now .
  24. wow dude thats awesome.
  25. you dont know how to mod h2?
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