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L337 Box

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Everything posted by L337 Box

  1. yeah i only have like 30m now since i bought my bgs
  2. i dont think that was released when they made that episode
  3. this is my cat Midnight lol. http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/poorcat.jpg This one is pretty funny too http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/DogSpy2.png
  4. thats cool. its kinda like halo 3 now except worse graphics >.<
  5. Whats ur username Smoky? if its Going69 2 i tried to pm you and it said you were in a 'Quick Chat only World'
  6. yea i think it was just because i had no friends that played it at the time.
  7. I never thought this game was that much fun so i went back to RS
  8. I think it needs more interlocking, and its not that original seeing as everyone and there mother has made a Duck Hunt map.
  9. im pretty sure hes talking about turning into oracle in a custom game (not forge) and i think to do that you keep on switching between forge and custom game lobby and it does something, idk i cant really remember.
  10. i bought mine for 31m
  11. Yea i already knew this. but im sure it will help everyone else who doesn't.
  12. i cant really pick i use all of them equally, but the characters i use most are Kirby and Lucario
  13. i cant really pick i use all of them equally, but the character i use most is Lucario
  14. i finally bought my Bandos GodSword Here are some pics. http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/BGS.png one of my max hitz http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/BGSMax.png and here's the stats if you were planning on buying one http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/BGSStats.png im about to buy my white phat in a while and ill make some pics about that as well.
  15. Yea i guess you're right. maybe someone should PM Legacy to stop before it gets worse.
  16. im not telling him to make more i really dont care i just think its hilarious that he's actually doing that.
  17. Sounds like a cool idea MeLo ^.^
  18. A Direct quote from MeLo if that helps you at all.
  19. im just saying this because hes not afraidof Bungie.
  20. As many of you have seen, zZDarkLegacyZz is posting porn on his FileShare. i would like to congratulate him because he is not afraid of bungie's "FileShare Scanner" Keep 'em coming Legacy! EDIT: i think this should probably go in Off-Topic, can a mod pls move it.
  21. can you send me a link to this picture id like to see for myself
  22. looks like a pretty decent playable mod but the Dl link is broke so i cant really see for my self.
  23. it looks like its too easy to escape. other than that it looks good.
  24. well i'm glad Slipstream isnt banned anymore hes a good homie of mine.
  25. it says Dark SlipStream is banned? anybody have any idea bout this.
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