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L337 Box

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Everything posted by L337 Box

  1. i'll play GH3 with you GT:HAi iM Dustin
  2. Awesome map again Legacy cant wait to see more!
  3. im lv 124
  4. I play rs CB lv 124 Username:Cmic
  5. Do you still play RS?
  6. Everybody should try this game its fun once you get used to it and have alot of friends online.
  7. Yea i play RS CB lv 124 i added you ill pm you next time you're on. Username:Cmic
  8. i watched the happening and it was a pretty cool movie.
  9. Looks awesome ^.^
  10. i'd give you some for 700 MPs
  11. They dont steal stuff from other people they just put up what they think other pple would enjoy..
  12. Wow. really long ill try this later. oh and IWHBYD is on The Covanant
  13. Ok dude thx
  14. Hi everybody, i need a good team doubles partner who can help me get from 45-50. My last teamate sucked and dropped me back down to 44... and yes i will definitely help you get to your 50 if you're between 40-50.So if you want to do Dubz right now, or later, just send me a message and we can play GT: L33T Dustin
  15. i will help GT: L33T Dustin
  16. its a trojan. noone Dl plz.
  17. I saw one gametype mod where you could turn into the forge oracle editor. i doubt it's released yet though
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