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L337 Box

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Everything posted by L337 Box

  1. Thats old dude.
  2. looks cool. i would try it but all of my friends are mentally retarded, .
  3. no the pple in that vid just turned on standby and enabled them to pick up the eggs and they could move them.
  4. yey i havent gotten to play on any teleporter mods yet so ill try this out
  5. omg did you not read the post.. you have to post a pic in your post or he will delete it -.- http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/30356-57.jpg
  6. looks pretty cool but next time can you embed pics? so we dont have to click on the links
  7. okay then, anyway i'll try this out later today.
  8. i want to join >.< GT-HAi iM Dustin
  9. i told everybody he just turned it into a .gif i win!
  10. yup http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/30096-76.jpg
  11. no release date?
  12. just 2 cool pics that i made http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/30061-77.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/30061-78.jpg
  13. i hope you dont mean theres gonna be new weapons coming out because theres not. Nice topic though good job!
  14. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/30019-80.jpg that last pic is in the sword room of the pit right?
  15. i think you should give more information on the gametype as well. Like, are the zombies instant kill? and, what weapons the have and start out with. other than that it looks like a good map i will dl later.
  16. i dont think they will take out file shares.
  17. i'll Dl to see what it looks like but if its a random mod i will delete eventually.
  18. Lol.
  19. im lv 124 member
  20. he jsut turned it into a .gif didnt he O_o?
  21. yea ill add you My username is Cmic
  22. RuneScape has been reworked and now looks better than ever! If you are a member, you will be able to access this update by following the directions below. If you are a free player, you can expect to be playing RuneScape HD as soon as the Beta period is over. Free players who select RuneScape HD will receive a preview of the new graphics, meaning they can see how it runs on their machines, but will be unable to play in it. You will notice that the website has been given a fresh lick of paint, but your path to the game remains as simple as before. Click 'Play RuneScape' on the new RuneScape front page to get to the Detail Select page. Then click the right-hand button, 'RuneScape High Detail', to select the new version. Finally, choose your world, and then start playing.
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