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L337 Box

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Everything posted by L337 Box

  1. Ok i wanted to post this explanation of how the skill rank system works, mainly because im sick of people who "Think" they know giving out false information Im always hearing people say things like "It depends on your kd raito and your medals" thats simply is not true This post is a little bit long, but its very informative if you want to know how the skill level works in H3, So if your too lazy to read the explanation, then i dont want to hear your crying about not leveling up What is the Trueskill system? The Trueskill system is a player skill rating system for Xbox Live. Halo 3 uses a version of the Trueskill system in order to make the matches fairly even. How Does Trueskill Work? Trueskill assigns skills on a normal distribution (bell curve, Gaussian). The Trueskill system has two main variables to consider. They are your player skill level (Mu) and your uncertainty factor (Sigma). Mu is an approximation of your skill level based upon past performance. Win games to raise Mu, and lose games to lower Mu. Sigma is the numerical representation of the range in which your true skill could lie. Play really consistently, and you have a low Sigma. Play streakily, and you have a higher Sigma. After a win, the Trueskill system adjusts your skill ranking based upon the Mu and Sigma of all the players in the game. We'll go deeper into how much it is adjusted later. Trueskill systems use a conservative ranking Ranking = mu - (K * Sigma) so your skill is likely to be higher than the actual number represented in your Halo 3 highest skill level. K is a constant assigned an arbitrary value by the developers of the game. Why don't I level up after winning X games in a row? / Why does my friend go up three levels a game and I don't? Mu increases after a win. Always. The increase is proportional to the winner's Sigma and the Mu difference between the winner and the loser. So, if your Sigma is high, you will proceed faster through the ranking system (in BOTH directions). If your Sigma is low, you will both gain and lose rank more slowly. So, I want a high Sigma value? While it sounds as though a high Sigma value is desirable, it CAN be a double edged sword. A high Sigma can mean you increase by one level for every win. It also means you decrease by one level for every loss. In addition, a high Sigma means that your skill ranking will be significantly lower than your actual skill owing to the conservative nature of the Ranking = mu - (K * Sigma) ranking equation. Also, Sigma value starts out VERY high. So, if this is your friend's first time in a particular ranked hopper, and he wins consistently, his rank will rise meteorically due to his high Sigma. Myth Busting Trueskill DOES NOT take into evaluation performances inside the game. The ONLY statistics that Trueskill takes from a game are the Mu and Sigma values of all the players, and how you placed. This means that out of all of these statistics: Getting the MVP Having a High K/D ratio Getting the most medals Skill levels of those you killed / killed you Weapons you used Headshots Captures, detonations, stops, ousts, etc. NONE of them matterwhen calculating the Mu increase/decrease. Any link between any of these and the skill ratings are purely correlative and not causative. For example. When I play Team Slayer with my buddies on my alternate gamertag, much of the time I end up carrying the team. I created this tag to play with my buddies, and as such, have only ever played on that party with that tag. I ranked up to the level of my friends within 20 or so games, while it had taken them 50 to 100 games to reach their level. My friends thought that it was because of my frequent MVP status and my high K/D ratio that I leveled up so fast. Wrong. I leveled up fast because A) I initially had a very high Sigma, making my Mu more variable after each win, Starting out at a 1 and playing people in the mid teens gave me a considerable boost every time I won, and C) We won more frequently than they had in the past. Summary If you're worried that you're not getting your fair shake in the ranking system, look at the last 50 games that you've played in that hopper. (If you haven't played 50 games, play more. The system needs more data.) Take your win/loss average. If it's 65% or above, and you've been in that playlist for a while, you've probably increased in level 2 or more times over the last 50 games (or you will in the next 20 or so). Otherwise you are going to be hovering around the same level or dropping in rank. Addendum, Opinion, and Technical Notes In strict Trueskill systems, Sigma only decreases. I believe the "momentum" system in Halo 3 means that Sigma can be increased through consistent winning or losing. This is total conjecture, but I think that Sigma in Halo 3 matchmaking hoppers is proportional to the absolute value of the win/loss ratio of your last X number of games. The formula probably looks a little like: Sigma = C ( | wins - losses | ) where C is an arbitrary constant. This would explain why when some people go on a win streak with two or more different parties, their skill goes up faster than their teammates' skill. I also believe that the system is weighted so that the peak of the normal distribution is around level 20, not level 25. That means it will take more wins to level through 1-25 than it will 25-50. Which makes a bit of sense, if you don't want the highest levels too terribly crowded. The higher the Sigma of your opponents, the less Mu you gain from beating them. Predictable outcomes (e.g. win against a lower ranked opponent) are treated as statistically less significant. Upsets are given more weight. So, winning against lower ranked opponents doesn't do much for your Mu rating. Neither does losing against higher ranked ones. But beat a team that's 6 or more ranks above you and at least someone on your team will rank up. Trueskill ratings have no discernable correlation from hopper to hopper. When you play on a hopper you've never played on before, you are starting with a fresh Mu and a high Sigma. Team Mu and Team Sigma are the summation of the Mu and Sigma values of all the players on the team. When calculating the skill of an opponent in a team game, the system uses the Team Mu and Team Sigma values in calculation wherever rational. "Why do I win 10 games and not level up, then delevel when I lose 2? Help!" There are several possible explanations for this. The easiest one, and the one that fits the Trueskill system EXACTLY as explained by Microsoft, is that losing against a team that is X (I believe 6 or more, but experimentation is needed to determine the true value) skill points below you can cause you to lose as much as 5 times the Mu value that winning against even level teams gains you. Of course, winning against a team that has X more skill levels than you can net you as much as 5 times the Mu gain. The reverse is true as well. Winning against a weak team can count as little as 1/5th of an even skill win. Second, and this is enlightened conjecture, your Sigma value was low at the beginning of your streak, and since your win streak is raising it, the conservative ranking system (Remember, Rank = Mu MINUS (K times Sigma)) is kicking in to reduce your apparent skill level. Your real Mu is higher, but your higher Sigma is having a negative impact. mo0vaf00 writes: (edited to clarify intent) So is there some kind of value that requires you to be inconsistent to rank up? If I win 1 game going even and win the next going +10 do I have more of a chance of ranking up than just winning 2 games getting the same score? This conclusion is popping up fairly frequently. The answer is no. The system does not look at "In Match" statistics. At all. These stats are all included in a list above. The game only looks at your wins and your losses, and the strength of the opponents you play against. Also, the system does not "reward" you for having a high Sigma value. There is ONE positive associated with high Sigma, and there are TWO negatives. Positive: Your level can move up faster through winning. Negative: Your level can move down faster through losing. Negative: The conservative ranking system ranks you lower when your Sigma is higher. Higher Sigma simply means your level is more fluid. Sigma is good to have high when you are still reaching your appropriate skill level, but good to have low once you've reached it and are working on improving.
  2. please dont advertise >.>
  3. I don't know if this should go in this section or the Forge section but here goes. Ultimate Budget Glitch Everyone knows about the budget glitch and the many canvas maps made utilizing it, if you don't then I suggest you lift up that rock. Now something that's always bugged me about budget glitched maps is you have to start off with 1 of every object on your map, it's really cluttered and it's a pain. Sure, some people hide the stuff outside the map so it's not in the way, but then when you need those objects you have to fetch them from the outer depths. So wouldn't it be nice to have a fully budget glitched map without any of the clutter? Well I think I can help you there. Enough with the introductory build-up and suspense! On with the method! It's ludicrously painfully simple, to create the canvas do this: -Have two people in the party (this can be over xbox live or locally with two controllers, makes no difference) -One person (Designated 1) goes to the object menu (hit X) and go to the item you wish to budget glitch, then go to its object summary where you can alter run-time maximums (hit X again) -The other person (Designated 2) also goes to the menu (hit X) and goes to that same item, you then spawn that object (hit A) -The person (1) on the object summary goes to the run-time maximum and makes sure it's highlighted (i.e. so they can alter the number) but don't actually do anything yet, the number should be highlighted at "1" (This will have automatically happened when your team-mate spawned the object, you just have to hit A to select it) -The person (2) holding the object now deletes it. -The person (1) on the object summary is still on the run-time maximum, so despite the object not being there any more, they can still alter the run-time maximum value. Now all you're going to do is simply hit A again (Just make sure the run-time maximum is at "1" before you do so, which it should be if you haven't been fiddling around with it). This will confirm your run-time maximum choice to forge. - Now when either player looks at the budget summary for the object it will say there are 0 placed on map but it has a run-time maximum of 1. That's it, that's the glitch! - Rinse and repeat for every object (including flamethrower and filters and any other object with a run-time maximum of 1, it works for those too!) - Once you have every object so that it's got 0 on the map but a run-time maximum of 1 then you're finished, you have a fully glitched canvas with no crap on it. Now I know what you're saying "That's not budget glitched, I can only spawn one of each object before it un-budget glitches" - Wrong! For an amazing thing happens. Whenever you spawn an object on this glitched canvas, the run-time maximum automatically increases by 1 each time you spawn something. E.g. You budgeted the double boxes so that there is 0 on the map and 1 in the run-time maximum. Spawn a double box, now it will say there is 1 on the map and 2 in the run-time maximum, spawn 3 and you get 4 in the RM Queue e.t.c. The Run-time maximum always stays 1 step ahead of the number on the map no matter what! Now say that you delete one of those 3 double boxes, then the run time maximum will drop by 1, but spawn a double box again and the run-time maximum will go back up again. The ONLY time you can't delete an object is if it is the only 1 on the map (The run-time maximum drops down to 0) or if you have already placed ALL of that object on the map (i.e. so the number on the map has caught up with the run-time maximum). Anything in-between that and you can delete and re-spawn to your heart's content. Two final notes about the glitch: - You can also budget glitch a normal map that you're part-way through on, just like you may currently do when you accidentally delete stuff or whatever. Now what you used to do was make sure you had enough budget to fill the run-time maximum for an object to budget glitch it. Well, all you actually have to do is increase its run-time maximum by one, that's it, that's ALL you have to do. Just go to the object you want to budget glitch, go to its run-time maximum and increase it by 1, voila, you're done! (Wow how painfully simple and obvious is that? How could no one have figured this out already!?) - On the new maps you can also do filters. Now with the old method you would have to put the filter on the map if you wanted to reserve it for later (huge pain, did anyone ever really bother? No, didn't think so). Well with this method you can reserve it for later because it will have a run-time maximum even though it's not on the map. So if you spend ages making a great map on Blackout and then suddenly decide it could really do with Pen and Ink + Nova filter then you can just select it right then and there, no need to make sure you have budget left to do so, nifty eh? So that's it folks, that's the glitch! So it works by just increasing the run-time maximum to being 1 more than the number placed on the map. Shockingly simple! Then if you want to make a canvas of it you just need two people so that you can delete all the objects but still be left with run-time maximums of 1, giving you a True Canvas and with No Budget!
  4. L337 Box

    LeeT Str33T

    i will update everytime the new episode comes out ^.^ Leet Str33t - Episode 1 Leet Str33t Jr Leet Str33t - Episode 2
  5. 1,188 views FTW?
  6. L337 Box


    i still cant beat Guitar battle vs lou on expert >.>
  7. WindowsSign+L makes you log out if you are on xp
  8. Yea they aren't the greatest exterms but still 3 in under 2 mins is f.ckin crazy. This Isn't me BTW. This is so crazy if it were me i would be screaming right now O_o vClICK ON TEH NINJAv
  9. that was a pretty nice montage, the editing was kinda weird though O_o. even if they are staged, he did a good job at it
  10. first one is hilarious second one kinda funny but not hilarious please post more im sure all of iBotModz would like to see these pictures!
  11. we al know you need 200 posts O_o. on topic: w00tZ go!!! teddy for ViP!!!
  12. Most people of iBotModz don't know that many techniques or styles of gameplay that can give you an extra boost in you score for guitar hero. so i will give you a Complete guide to Squeezing Introduction: Welcome to my Squeezing Guide! After you're done reading I'm hoping that you will know everything there is to know about squeezing in Guitar Hero. This guide talks about all of the Guitar Hero games in the series including GH1, GH2, GH:80s, GH3, GH:OT (soon to come), and GH:A. Due to the different game engines, there are actually quite a few differences in squeezing between each game. All of those differences will be explained in this guide with thorough detail. If any questions still persist after you have read this guide, please feel free to ask. This guide assumes you already know how Star Power works. If you don't know, then go here to learn about that. What is Squeezing? To put it to a definition: Squeezing is using Guitar Hero's timing window to accumulate more points (and essentially notes) under Star Power than one would normally be able to without squeezing. How to Squeeze Well, to squeeze, you must activate SP just before hitting a note as late as possible, thus making your SP start later and possibly even gaining an extra note at the end of an activation. Hitting note(s) early at the end of an activation allows you to squeeze even more. I advise you to watch this video by nothankyooo to get a better grasp of what a squeeze is and what it should look like before moving on. At 4:30 a slow motion replay of all the squeezes is shown. Watch how he hits the notes very late but there is still a blue flame for the note. The blue flame indicates the note was still counted under Star Power. Sound and look confusing? It is, at first. The Technique So how can YOU squeeze? Most squeezers use the back/select button to activate SP. If you're using an SG, Les Paul, or Kramer, then you're in luck. If you're using an Xplorer, try using this mod to help out with the terribly positioned Back button. To activate SP with the back/select button...you...press it. The technique for squeezing while pressing the back/select button is this: all in one motion use your palm/wrist area/side of hand to hit the back/select button while strumming at nearly simultaneous times. MAKE SURE YOU HIT THE BACK/SELECT BUTTON FIRST. I can't stress that part enough. Some people use their pinky to activate SP as well, but I personally use my palm/side of hand. It's all about personal preference, try out each method and see which works best for you. Whatever method you choose, the closer together your back/select button press and strum are, the better of a squeeze you're going to get. Throughout this entire process you want to hit the note you are squeezing as late as possible. This allows your SP to start later. The later your SP lasts, the later it will end as well, and the later it ends usually means more points for you. Its a lot to take in, but once you understand it, it's really not that hard at all. If hitting the select/back button is too uncomfortable for you to do while strumming, then tilting is also an option. It is generally much more difficult to perform a good squeeze while tilting, but using this method is still available and can sometimes be just as effective. I'm not sure if there's a better or different way to describe basic squeezing, and if there is, or a better way for me to word something, please let me know. Terms I Will Use Throughout the Guide Ticks - On a sustained note, your score incrementally increases. Each incremental increase is referred to as a tick. A single tick is worth 1 point times your multiplier at the time and there are 25 ticks per beat. Center of the note - The exact moment that a note is supposed to be hit, i.e. the notes precise timing on the note chart. Front-End Squeeze - The squeeze at the beginning of an activation, when you press the back button. Back-End Squeeze - The squeeze at the end of an activation, when you strum a note early to squeeze it under SP. BPM - Beats Per Minute, i.e. The tempo of a song at a particular point. Under Star Power - Hitting a note while Star Power is activated is considered hitting it "Under Star Power". 16th note - There are 16 of these in one 4/4 measure if played consecutively. 8th note - There are 8 of these in one 4/4 measure if played consecutively. Quarter note - There are 4 of these in one 4/4 measure if played consecutively. Double/Triple Squeeze - Hitting another 2 or 3 notes under SP more than one normally could due to squeezing. (Explained in much more detail later in the guide) HO/POs - Hammerons/Pulloffs Upperbound - The projected optimal score of a song with 100% squeeze. Optimal - The highest possible score on a song. Everything You Need to Know About GH1, GH2, and GH:80s Squeezing BPM: Hopefully coming soon! Squeezing HO/POs: Squeezing a HO/PO at the beginning of an activation is one of the hardest things to do when talking in squeezing terms. This is because you must connect your left hand and right hand doing two different things at the exact same time. When squeezing a HO/PO as a front-end squeeze, wait until the end of a note's timing window and then press Back button followed by the corresponding fret immediately after. I would advise to NOT strum for the note, as if you actually succeeded in fretting the note as late as possible, then strumming the note would ALWAYS result in a broken note streak. This is quite similar to your regular squeeze, except the fret replaces the strum bar. A back-end HO/PO squeeze is fairly similar to a regular note back-end squeeze, you can't hit the fret any earlier than a regular note i.e. the timing window is still the same, but the fact that it is a HO/PO may still help you none the less. I would always strum the note as early as possible just like you normally should. You have to hold down the fret before you strum anyways, which may help you hit the note even earlier than your attempt to with the strum. Early Whammy: When there is a sustained SP note that you can normally whammy for to gain SP, you can actually hit it at the earliest moment of the note's timing and window and whammy early to gain more SP than was previously available to gain. This can sometimes lead to entire activations being available such as in Psychobilly Freakout on Expert. The chart is shown here. The last activation is extremely difficult to get, but it is possible to gain an activation from it. This has never been done on an FC run of this song, however. Sustained Notes: As far as sustains go, everything is pretty much normal. If you hit a sustain early, the ticks begin at the Center of the note and continue as normal throughout. If you hit a sustain late, any "lost" ticks are regained immediately and ticks continue as normal throughout. There is no "burst" like there is in GH3 or GH:A. Delayed Activation: In GH1 alone, there is a delayed activation "bug" in which the immediate 1 second or so after you initially gain SP you are not able to activate. For very quick Next Note activations, this can affect which note you should activate on. In GH1, GH2, and GH:80s it is recommended to be SURE to hit the back/select button before you hit the strum bar to ensure that the note being squeeze is under star power. There is believed to be a slight delay from the moment the back/select button is hit to the time that SP is actually activated. Although this is not proven, it is recommended to be aware of this while squeezing. Everything You Need to Know About GH3 and GH:A Squeezing BPM: In GH3 and GH:A, at 139 BPM and 100% squeeze you are able to squeeze exactly 16th (.25) beats under the front-end and back-end squeezes, allowing you to squeeze an 8th note (.5 beats) out of an activation. This also means that at 69.5 BPM and 100% squeeze you are able to squeeze exactly 32nd (.125) beats under the front-end and back-end squeezes, allowing you to squeeze one 16th note. Furthermore, at 104.25 BPM and 100% squeeze you are able to squeeze exactly 24th (.1875) beats under the front-end and back-end squeezes, allowing you to squeeze one triplet or one 12th note. This information is very helpful in creating optimal paths. Squeezing HO/POs: Squeezing a HO/PO at the beginning of an activation is one of the hardest things to do when talking in squeezing terms. This is because you must connect your left hand and right doing two different things at the exact same time. When squeezing a HO/PO as a front-end squeeze, wait until the end of a note's timing window and then press Back button followed by the corresponding fret immediately after. I would advise to NOT strum for the note, as if you actually succeeded in fretting the note as late as possible, then strumming the note would ALWAYS result in a broken note streak. This is quite similar to your regular squeeze, except the fret replaces the strum bar. Now squeezing a HO/PO at the back-end of an activation is one of the easiest things to do in GH3. Just hold down the corresponding fret as early as possible before it comes and (as long as your SP lasts long enough) you will squeeze the note as much as possible every time and will hit it under SP. Try to hit the notes before the HO/PO as early as possible as well to extend the time even more that you will be able to hold down the fret early, just to make sure. In GH:A, however, a back-end HO/PO squeeze is fairly similar to a regular note back-end squeeze, you can't hit the fret any earlier than a regular note i.e. the timing window is still the same, but the fact that it is a HO/PO may still help you none the less. I would always strum the note as early as possible just like you normally should. You have to hold down the fret before you strum anyways, which may help you hit the note even earlier than your attempt to with the strum. Burst Theory: This theory is the key to getting most high scores in GH3 and GH:A. According to this theory, sustain notes contain a "burst" of ticks at the beginning and end of a sustained note. The earlier you hit a sustained note, the larger "burst" of ticks you will be given at the Center of the note. The later you hit a sustained note, the larger "burst" of ticks will be given at the end of a sustained note. You will NOT be given ANY ticks if you hit a note early until the Center of the note passes by. However the earlier you hit it, the larger that burst will be if you are able to get that burst. Lets take Mississippi Queen on Expert for example. Now look at the first activation. It ends on the sustained RB chord. The first thing you want to look at is that it is passed the Center of the note, and thus you can get ticks from it. The earlier you hit that RB chord, the more ticks you will get. Remember though, if your squeeze at the beginning of the activation on the Orange note wasn't squeezed enough, then your SP will not last past the Center of the RB chord, and thus you will not gain any ticks at all, although you may still get the 400 more points for getting the chord under SP. This type of squeeze is called a Tick Squeeze. Advanced Burst Theory Techniques: Now, lets take Hit Me With Your Best Shot on Expert to explain a more advanced technique for using the burst theory. The chart can be found here. Take a look at the second activation. It shows that it should start right on the end of the of the GY sustained chord. It shows that we should be able to gain ticks from the end of that sustain, as well. Now using our burst theory, we know that when we hit a sustained note late, we get a larger burst of ticks at the end of that sustain. Knowing this, the later we hit this GY sustain chord the larger burst of ticks we will gain at the end of the sustain, and remember we're activating SP at the end of sustain, so that means more ticks under SP for us. More ticks under SP = More Points. And I say More Points is Made of Win. Not Practice Mode. This type of squeeze is known as a Reverse Tick Squeeze. NOTE: I would advise you guys not to try and do this squeeze except for the reason to try out the burst theory and see what hitting the note late/early does to your score. Getting ticks at the end of the sustain and still hitting that last orange note under SP is more frustrating than it is worth. For another advanced technique, lets take a look at Pink on Medium. Now take a look at the second activation. It shows the activation starting on a sustain and ending almost on a sustain. Lets move this activation forward 1/2 beat so that its RIGHT at the end of the RY sustain. To fully utilize our burst theory in this situation, like last time, hit that RY sustain late to create a larger burst of ticks at the end of the RY sustain (which is under SP) to gain more points. On that last Yellow sustain, again utilizing our burst theory, you will want to hit it as early as possible so that you will gain a larger burst of ticks at the beginning of that note. This takes the previous two burst theory techniques and puts them into the same activation, gaining many more points than would have been previously possible. This type of squeeze utilizes our regular Tick Squeeze and our Reverse Tick squeeze into the same activation. NOTE: No matter what you will ALWAYS have the same total amount of ticks per sustain given that you fully hold the sustain out. If you have a larger burst of ticks at the beginning of your sustain, then at the end you will have a smaller burst and vice versa. Everything You Need to Know About GH:OT Squeezing Coming Soon! Miscellaneous Squeezing Information Cheating: Squeezing is NOT considered cheating on Scorehero or Pro Face Off online. You may submit scores in which you have squeezed. Double and Triple Squeezing: So you've heard these terms before..what exactly do they mean? Well the best way to explain is by example. Take a look at the Draw the Line Medium chart located here. Now lets look at the third activation. If we add up the whammied SP we get 7.5 beats. Add this to the 4 Measures of SP already acquired and we get 5 measures and 3.5 beats of SP (because there are 4 beats per measure). The SP path chart, however, shows that we should be able to squeeze in notes that span 6 full measures. With a normal squeeze, or "Single Squeeze," we can make it to the first green note in measure 84, i.e. squeeze in notes spanning exactly 5 measures plus 3.5 beats. But with a very good squeeze, in this case a "Double Squeeze," we can actually get those 6 measures worth of notes with only 5 measures and 3.5 beats of SP, which is a full 8th note short of the 6 measures of notes we are squeezing under Star Power. Getting that extra note under SP beyond the normal squeeze is considered a "Double Squeeze." If it were also possible to get that next red note under SP, then that would be a "Triple Squeeze," and so on and so forth. To put the word to a definition: A double squeeze is getting 2 more notes under SP than one would normally be able to get without squeezing. Upperbound: Upperbound is the projected optimal score of a song determined by debr/tma on their websites found here and here respectively. When someone says something like "+40 UB!", they are stating that they have 40 more points than the projected upperbound score. Often on GH3 and GH:A the upperbound scores are beaten due to the Burst Theory, as this theory has not yet been added to the coding that is used by debr and tma. Tricks for Squeezing HO/POs: This only works in GH2, GH:80s, and GH:A. So you wanna front-end squeeze a HO/PO but can't quite get it down? Try this example and see if it'll help you out. Check out the Train Kept a Rollin' Medium Path located here. Now look at the third activation. The red note you are supposed to activate on is a HO/PO. (Trust me, it is) Now because of the non-infinite front-end timing window of GH:A, if you play the yellow note just before it very early and immediately switch to the red fret BEFORE the timing window of the red note begins, then you are able to squeeze that note just as normally as any regular note that is not a HO/PO by strumming it. Another trick in GH2 for Front-end HO/PO squeezing: Sometimes if you miss a particular HO/PO and restart the song, that particular note will become bugged and you won't be able to hit it unless you strum it. This can be used to your advantage by intentionally bugging the HO/PO note you want to squeeze. This is not guaranteed to work, but it's worth a shot if you're having trouble. Difference in Games So here is just a quick reference to the differences in squeezing between GH1, GH2/GH:80s, GH3, GH:OT, and GH:A. GH1: Delay between initial SP accumulation and ability to activate. Fixed tick accumulation. Requires more deliberate activation before the front-end squeeze note. Pre-tilting does not work. GH2/GH:80s: Fixed tick accumulation. Requires more deliberate activation before the front-end squeeze note. Pre-tilting does not work. GH3: Larger timing window. Inifinite front-end HO/PO timing window. Tick Burst Theory. Can activate and strum essentially simultaneously. GH:OT: Coming soon.... GH:A: Larger timing window. Tick Burst Theory. Can activate and strum essentially simultaneously.
  13. Dling now will update after i watch it
  14. how much money would that be exactly ?
  15. that looks crazy. post it when Bungie.net is back up.
  16. oh yea thats ok. ^your sig is awesome lmao^ ^.^
  17. i just added a youtube link that good?
  18. that looked really good. but one thing i dont understand about the GFx section, do you guys make those thing out of scratch or just take other pictures and just edit them?
  19. Not much to say here, just another video. Clips are almost all from this past week, and a couple are really old. Not many effects in this vid. The filesize is quite large, but the video is 6 minutes long, the quality is the best it could be without the file being RIDICOULOUSLY large, so I think it works. I think its quite enjoyable, so I hope you enjoy. Download + Stream :: Phurion :: Glimpse
  20. Pretty Good Montage, Enjoy. Download :: NotShookImCold :: Halo 3 Montage 1
  21. That would be a good idea but host only
  22. Fix this one plox? http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?sh...amp;#entry41447
  23. can some1 show me in a custom i still need my xSata
  24. The link is broken, please update it.
  25. soz, fixed the link.
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