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L337 Box

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Everything posted by L337 Box

  1. L337 Box

    My new Mod

    Actually it needs to stay in H3 Modding because it is the wrong format. On Topic:It looks pretty ok though try to make more playable mods i like how that kind of actually looks like a Troop Hog Though
  2. Full Halo 3 Stream Schedule Friday 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM :: Early Check-In 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM :: Check-In / Warm-Up 5:00 PM - 5:30 PM :: Welcome 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM :: Open Winners Round 1 8:30 PM - 10:00 PM :: Open Winners Round 2 Saturday 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM :: Warm-Up 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM :: Open Losers Round 1 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM :: Open Losers Round 2 1:00 PM - 1:45 PM :: Open Winners Round 3 1:45 PM - 2:30 PM :: Open Losers Round 3 2:30 PM - 3:15 PM :: Open Losers Round 4 3:15 PM - 4:00 PM :: Open Winners Round 4 / Losers Round 5 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM :: Open Losers Round 6 4:45 PM - 5:30 PM :: Open Winners Round 5 / Losers Round 7 5:30 PM - 6:15 PM :: Open Losers Round 8 6:15 PM - 7:15 PM :: Break 7:15 PM - 8:30 PM :: Championship Winners Round 1 8:30 PM - 9:45 PM :: Championship Winners Round 2 / Losers Round 1 9:45 PM - 11:00 PM :: Championship Winners Round 3 / Losers Round 2 Sunday 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM :: Warm-Up 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM :: Championship Losers Round 3 11:15 AM - 12:30 PM :: Championship Losers Round 4 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM :: Championship Winners Round 4 / Losers Round 5 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM :: Championship Losers Round 6 3:00 PM - 4:15 PM :: Championship Winners Finals / Losers Round 7 4:15 PM - 5:45 PM :: Championship Losers Finals 5:45 PM - 7:15 PM :: Championship Finals
  3. ^Direct Quote from http://www.MLGPro.com^ You can watch the Live Stream Here
  4. its not sloppy is it O_o? and btw can you just make a film clip of it and put on FileShare? my xPort is brokeded
  5. he didnt use a mouse to do this did he? that mustve taken a long time to actually get it all right.
  6. i could do it legit =l but i dont think people like you deserve a 50. you would suck big floppy donkey d..k and everyone would know you bought your 50, or didnt do it urself. so you should do it ur self >.>
  7. from the 2 pictures i saw it looked like another random mod saying "hey i can mod" people like playable mods that you can play slayer or a race track or something.
  8. what exactly is this used for?
  9. dwayne?
  10. what were you doing this for anyway just to get some cash and get a couple of levels?
  11. Nice montage, with some great clips and editing Download :: Thizz :: Halo 3 Montage 2
  12. L337 Box

    NBot v2.1.1

  13. L337 Box

    NBot v2.1.1

    soz, Fixed.
  14. L337 Box

    NBot v2.1.1

    Welcome to NBot, a program that plays Runescape for you by finding known colors and bitmaps. NBot currently features powerwoodcutting, powermining, auto-cursing, and auto-alching with many more things to be autoed on the way. F10 can be used to stop the program at any time. The new home of NBot is Here -Instructions- PowerWoodCutter - Select the type of tree you will be training on (Regular, Oak, or Willow). - Drag the crosshairs from the buttons to the appropriate colors in the runescape window (two tree colors and two log colors in your inventory). - Click the Woodcut button to begin woodcutting. * Recommended to bring 3+ axes due to them breaking occasionally. * Willow trees north-east of lumbridge or north of the Crafting Guild are excellent training. PowerMining - Drag the crosshairs from the buttons to the appropriate colors in the runescape window (two rock colors and two ore colors in your inventory) - Click the Mine button to begin mining. * Recommended to bring 3-5 or more pickaxes due to them breaking/losing heads. (Wouldn't recommend using addy/rune unless you don't mind losing the money) * Copper is much better training than tin because players wearing iron/steel armour will often be very similar to tin rocks. * A secluded area without many other players is more effective. Auto-Curser - Drag the crosshairs from the buttons to the appropriate colors in the runescape window (two colors on the monster you wish to curse) - Click the Auto-Curse button to begin casting. * Wearing full iron and minimizing your magic attack bonus is recommended. * The Zamorak Mage in a jail cell in varrock castle is basically the best thing to curse in the game because you almost always fail and he recovers quickly. Auto-Alcher - Drag the first crosshair from the first button on the left onto the runescape window. - Click Auto-Alch to begin alching. NOTE: Do not minimize/hide the autoer at any time. It must always be visible because it often searches for bitmaps using the image in its picture window. -Features- - Rotates screen periodically so it won't get stuck/logout - Human-like mouse movements and random mouse movement speeds - Random offsets when clicking on bitmap images and found colors - Escapes from fights (about ~50% successful) - WORKING Anti-randoms: Genie, Drunken Dwarf, Cap N' Hand, Rick Turpentine, Security Guard, Mysterious Old Man -Under Development- - Varrock or Edgeville Yew Banker - Improved ent detection for woodcutter - Improved escaping from fights - Gas detection for powerminer - More anti-randoms - More skills to auto -ScreenShots- NBot Main http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/NBotMain.png About NBot... http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/AboutNBot.png -Test Accout- These are 2 accounts i've been using it on. http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/f_accsm_1423c17.png -DownLoad- Download NBot v2.1.1 - Released February 23rd, 2008 It is clean. http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/cleanre0.png
  15. Thank You. i'll post some more
  16. This program is used for RuneScape, but it can be used for other games. This one appears to be much better, from my point of view. It uses better functions and also has some extra stuff. Thought this might help anybody who plays RS. You can play RuneScape Here -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ScreenShots : Main Application: http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/Main.png Movement Editor : http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/Editor.png Script Folder Viewer : http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/ScriptViewer.png Basic Auto-Clicker : http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/Clicker.png File Association : http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/Associate.png -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Functions: Themed Visual Style •30,000+ Possible Movement Slots •Save/Load Movement Scripts •Easy Editing Of Movements •Basic Auto Clicker Addition •11 Possible Click Types -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Donwload: RapidShare -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- it is clean. http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/Clean.png
  17. L337 Box


    hey dde i can help you im abuot to make a new acc.
  18. don't think theres a halo 4 just yet. there just adding more stuff to the game, bipeds, level-editor, Etc. Etc.
  19. L337 Box

    GOW anyone?

    looks great but i oculd barely see the words.
  20. Smokeist - looked good, but not as good as Subs. Subs - great!
  21. Smokiest - i thought yours was kinda sloppy. soz =l Subs - awesome!
  22. Smokiest - Nice job, i like it . Subs - i dont know whats wrong with it but it looked a little weird to me. Legacy - ...
  23. Smokiest - i know where you're coming from with it lol, funny. Subs - i didnt really get it O_o. Legacy - ???
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