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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. T3A guy


    LMAO, wow that is the funniest thing that has happened to me today.
  2. 1887
  3. I didn't ask for your or anyone's forgiveness.
  4. I would like to aploigize for this post in the shoutbox. I copied the active users and it added a bunch of weird stuff like "Add as friend" I also didn't mean for it to be multiple lines. Once again I am sorry.
  5. This is supposed to be a discussion about gabe_k threatening to eat the shoutbox.
  6. nice job on post 66666.
  7. Sorry for the spam but this is topic number 11111
  8. Are you that hungry???
  9. (12:38 PM) gabe_k - NOM NOM NOM NOO DON EAT MEH! Please ban gabe_k before he eats the shoutbox. http://fayza.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/nom-nom-nom1.jpg http://virtualhug.files.wordpress.com/2008/03/nom-nom-nom.jpg http://content.pyzam.com/funnypics/7/pyzamnomnom.jpg http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2007/07/ihasmanycorms1.jpg (09:57 AM) SotG Caboose♥ - nom om onm
  10. http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/4938/104170fr4.jpg I'm holding up a pizza. "u cant always get wat u want"
  11. T3A guy

    Staff Changes

    I agree that that should only be temporary.
  12. Sad to see you go. ♥
  13. He isn't advertising with a "big ol banner" he has a small link. I asked how many times he was warned for having a big banner because if he was warned once and didn't do it again I don't think it matter. If you are concerned about your position as a mod I will tell you that I want you to be a mod.
  14. What is behind her?
  15. How many times has he been warned for having too big of a sig AND you are allowed to advertise in your sig.
  16. So it is fact that I am 5? No. If you are done arguing then BE DONE. Don't start s*** in other topics and get that out of your sig.
  17. I know what opinion is and what fact is. I never said I know your opinions better than you.
  18. You calling me a five year old and being sarcastic was not stating your opinion.
  19. You don't need to turn every post I make into a flame war. You should read the complaint I made, you would see that there are more people than me who think this way about how d.hero abused his power, and this includes peaches because he is the one who demoted him. You should think about who you are insulting.
  20. I hope you get it. We need more mods, and you would be a great replacement for d.hero.
  21. T3A guy

    Fire Hazard?

    RROD is like a flat tire on a car, and the towel trick is like flattening all the other tires so it isn't lopsided. It can get MUCH worse.
  22. T3A guy

    Fire Hazard?

    I would cut an x-clamp if anything. You're going to @%#$ up your box even worse.
  23. This picture alone makes sandbox look soooo L33T: http://xboxlivemedia.ign.com/xboxlive/image/article/950/950839/halo-3-20090203091103774-000.jpg
  24. T3A guy

    Epic Win!

    You just saw that now? LOL That was from like a week ago when that n00b tried to DDOS us.
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