VIP>light green Spamming makes VIP leave. Flaming makes non-contributors with 0 posts leave. 1(word)=/=3(words) 200(posts)>0(posts) You're not very good with numbers are you
He says he doesn't want old members to leave. "Look now Joe is leaving. Ever since he got here he's been active." He treats new members correctly but doesn't care about the old ones. "Ok I treat all the new members correctly."
So you don't care if Joe Walls leaves because he isn't a new member you need to treat correctly. Stop posting in this topic if you are going to contradict yourself please.
LMAO HAHAH It's still there too. I wonder what happened. Did I miss an oppertunity to be admin? 0_o That too.
That was uncalled for. I was replying to when he said that you should be able to tranfer your maps through xbl from you computer to your account. You should consider thinking about what you say. You always are trying to find new ways to flame me. This happens everytime I get in the shoutbox.
I was trying to help geo with xport and then all of the sudden (07:35 PM) Fatal Error - youre an idiot, you cant do that either (07:35 PM) xDansomee - Peaches, check your pms (07:34 PM) Fatal Error - no tea