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Everything posted by sillybob123

  1. is that meant to mean you think im lying cuz i will take a pic if i have to MR
  2. I like it! mind if i take a "weee" looky loo at the PSD
  3. u have attached the image if you look on the right side you see my name in orange am i GFX or is this a glitch/miracle?WeirdPic.bmp
  4. Sorry i dont like it dude :S IMO its ugly i dont wanna sound bad or seem like i think im better because honestly i suck at GFX and will always be in your shadow i also love your works i cant really give any ideas or suggestions as i dont feel i have the skills to suggest something to someone better at GFX than me
  5. 1.5GB rofl
  6. operating systems and applications are RAM hungry. When software runs out of RAM, Windows starts swapping data to and from your PC's hard disk--which is a slower process than fetching it from and writing it to RAM. Adding RAM to your PC is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to boost its performance. Once 16mb and 32mb where acceptable amounts of ram for a pc but nowdays the MINIMUM amount of recommended ram is 250mb to 512mb some pcs having up to 4GB! to acheive maximum performace in all windows operating systems, people who spend more time using graphics, video etc... will benefit from a higher amount of ram compared to most other upgrade options, installing additional RAM is a bargain. So What is RAM? RAM is Random Access Memory. It is the part of the computer that processes information. When a program is started, it is loaded into RAM to be run. This also where files are placed by a computer to be worked on. RAM is like a workbench and the larger this workbench the larger the file that can be worked. So in computer terms the more RAM the easier it is to get a big job done. What types of RAM are there? There are many types of RAM: EDO, FPM, SDRAM, SODIMM, RAMBUS, DDR, DDR2 and more. Newer computers use DDR or DDR2 -common definitions of the various types of memory can be found at wikipedia.com So lets begin: First we need to find out what type of RAM you need the size which your pc can accept etc... so you will need to go HERE to perform a scan\ Now its time to start installing the RAM! Locating the DIMM slots note: Disconnect the power and remove your PC's cover, After removing the cover the first thing to do is to locate the DIMM slots on your motherboard. the image below gives you an idea of what you are looking for. http://www.helpwithpcs.com/upgrading/install-memory-dimm/install-memory-dimm-slots.jpg Unless you are installing a new motherboard then your slots will already have at least one RAM module installed already, if this is the case then install the new memory module into the empty slot next to the module that is already installed. If your motherboard does not have any memory installed then refer to your motherboard's manual for details about which slot to use. note: Motherboards vary, although there are three slots in our example your motherboard may have a different amount of slots. DIMM Installation When you remove the DIMM memory module from its packaging hold it by the edges, try not to touch the gold coloured contacts as this can damage the memory. On the images below i have pointed out certain parts of the RAM module and the DIMM slot. A= are used for the ejector clip on the DIMM slot B= are used to align the memory module with the DIMM slot keys C D= using your finger push these into the down position as shown in picture 2 this allows the memory to be inserted 1. http://www.helpwithpcs.com/upgrading/install-memory-dimm/install-memory-fig-1-2.jpg 2. http://www.helpwithpcs.com/upgrading/install-memory-dimm/install-memory-fig-1-3.jpg DIMM Installation II Now you are ready to install the module, ensuring the notches line up with the keys see picture 1 gently but firmly push the memory into the slot until it is seated fully, the ejector clips should rise to the vertical position as shown in picture 2 1. http://www.helpwithpcs.com/upgrading/install-memory-dimm/install-memory-fig-1-4.jpg 2. http://www.helpwithpcs.com/upgrading/install-memory-dimm/install-memory-fig-1-5.jpg Now your memory is installed, ensure you haven't loosened any cables while you have been working and also ensure that the memory module is fully seated and the ejector clips are in the vertical position. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Replace the cover of your PC, connect your peripherals and boot the machine (turn it on - don't kick it though your bios should recognise the memory instantly, to check this you can go to the control panel of your operating system (windows/unix). If your machine just beeps at you when you turn it on then the chances are that the memory is not inserted correctly, if this is the case disconnect all peripherals and follow the steps again. Enjoy P.S. I underwent this same process and am very happy with the outcome that is why i am extending the same knowledge to you guys so everyone can reak the benifits of a RAM upgrade just like i am. CREDZ TO HELPWITHPCS.COM FOR PICS AND DIMM INSTALLATION GUIDE!
  7. This may sound weird but when i tested a while back it actually sped UP my computer!
  8. Rofl whats the name of the account? i cant find it we dont run the clan anymore bit slow are we dan... P.s . you dont need to put your name at the bottom of every post its pointless and noone cares - Joe - I put my name cuz i is GaNgStaZ
  9. ye sos i do suck (balls) at text LOL if anyone has any tips psds i could have a look at or something please post them
  10. :L urrm thanks? lol
  11. Herro heres a new sig for ya to ponder CnC's welcomed http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b312/jayminor/Hulksig.png
  12. To you maybe but others may find it handy as it will provide some of the strongest possible passwords
  13. Question 9. Which byte in a usermap says how many objects are currently spawned and how do you read its value? Question 10. What is the purpose of placement blocks and what info do they store? Question 11. Who was THE first halo3 modder? Anthony Question 12. Who was THE first person to get recon armor? ZB shogun ^ thanks that guy Question 14: What is the star position? What Star?
  14. Hey guys heres an app i have been working on basicly you enter your desired text on the left hand text box select encrypt and your secwet spay langwage appears on the right also in the app there is a decrypt feature allowing you to do pretty much the same thing but in reverse Get it? GOOD http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b312/jayminor/PassEnc1.png http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b312/jayminor/PassEnc2.png Demo: 7q6hgdtfvg7efvg 6hge11d3fvgnhfgtfvg7d12ge tfvg7gtfvg7d 8fvgnhf2q6hgdtfvg7gtfvg7dtfvg712ggtfvg7d48fvgnhfgtfvg7d20r Translated: Hey welcome to IbotModz CnC's Welcomed Please Report Any Bugs! DL: Download Password Decrypter
  15. rofl your sooo cool dan i bet everyone wants to be like you (sarcasm) Incase your too stupid i didnt even know he was making it XD im so proud even though the website dosent exist anymore lol
  16. it does nothing it literaly just chooses a random number and shows it ...
  17. if you had the brains On-Topic: Good idea about the buttons you could of maybe tryed a bit harder with the looks but its ok *cough*Youtube*cough*
  18. Hello Dearest id like one plox
  19. Try this.Close();
  20. YAY Griffball rockzorz my sockzorz but if u dont mind me saying this post is a weee bit "wandom"
  21. hmm although i feel some of your comments are un neccesary i again have to agree with him sometimes this kind of critism is needed in order to give us the push to better our work
  22. :0 looks better thann the last one
  23. CnC's please http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b312/jayminor/GirlBorder.png
  24. wow bernie seemed so young and healthy you never would think it would happen to such a great guy
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