Hey ive finished here it is dont know if you like it though lol http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b312/jayminor/MickyDrip.png [IMG=http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b312/jayminor/MickyDrip.png] Add this code to your sig
omg this is amazingly easy to understand! User enters desired menu item into a text box >>>>>>>> They press add >>>>>>> it is added to the menu bar simple enough? i want it in visual basic language like i said in the description if you want an example download the Halo 2 AIO V2 by r4nd0m it has that sort of feature ! Pic_Add1.bmp Pic_Add2.bmp
OK it was late sorry what i would like is to on my form have 1. textbox 2. button 3. normal menu bar and what i want to be able to code is that when the user types an entry into the textbox and naturally presses the button it is added to the menu bar
Hey in vb i want to be able to have a textbox and a button and a menu bar what i would like is when you type in the item you wish to have added to the menu then press the button it then is added to the menu can anyone help out>? thanks
:S i had this media player i was working on yesterday working perfectly i come back today and it fails an exception error comes up {"An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: Exception of type 'System.Windows.Forms.AxHost+InvalidActiveXStateException' was thrown."} Any Help
For those of you that don/t know the landfill room is a big white room with single player character models and vehicles in it here is an easy way to get it. ftp/xsata/xport to your xbox and pick a map (ill use warlock.map as an example) delete it then rename single_player_shared.map to warlock.map and walla you have the landfill room ! Remember to Resign!