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Everything posted by sillybob123

  1. Im IN im a 43 in lone wolves might be a bit late though
  2. ROFL this was the first thing i ever learnt and it was paint.net knowing you khaosmaster you got it of dev art
  3. OMG ITS LIKE SOOOOOO GOOD THE THE COLORS BLEND AMAZINGLY ZOMFG /SARCASM But yes it is quite good cant see what anyone could complain about
  4. The first creation of MCSB!
  5. Its ok a bit messey vectors have a bit too many straight edges still good though i guess
  6. Wow this post must be really old this was mastersnail back in the day? he was alot more hyperactive XD
  7. Hmm i think they may be making it too easy the maps arent exactly big and they cant be put out the map or maybe this is an indication that the maps are gunna be BIG
  8. I have the slowest internetz ever!!!!! http://www.speedtest.net/result/333505968.png
  9. the map sucks bad merging etc...
  10. is there meant to be an image?
  11. i was asked to make it thats all i only posted it on here so i could steal the upload links XD this site is officialy boring now
  12. it will not go big!
  13. oh hey slidell thought u left?
  14. Even without c4ds something can be good just this is amateur with no skills applied and then you back it up with pointless sarcasm and sly remarks aka arrogance and denial to accept another persons opinion.
  15. hahaha lol i lmaoed allll night
  16. sorry IMO its ugly not that im exactly pro with GFX but it looks too simple no good effects plus text is too bright :l
  17. wtf this is sooo random what is it on about :S i gave up reading halfway
  18. why are there differnt titles?
  19. hmm ello there danny boy i doubt anyone will give i used to have 1 but no more + thought ure dad had one? + cheese + waffles + nelson mandela + physics + quantum mechanics + airline + eds a homo
  20. sillybob123

    Lucky Star

    well im not likeing the bit on the side alot and the c4ds seem a bit messy
  21. http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b312/jayminor/Stock.png :S
  22. http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b312/jayminor/Stock.png
  23. Ye the stock is too big its basicly just an earth texture get them anywhere
  24. CnC's http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b312/jayminor/Earth_scaled.png its huge so quality is bad here because of the resize
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