ye i do kinda agree too much use of the glare by me i just made a new one working on some more images to replace the tests so i can get as most up to date pictures as possible
this open the .slayer or the actual con? everytime i open the original slayer()()()()()()()()()()() it starts of with a BR and 0 rounds and 0 respawn time
easy way : get con edits v2 in the halo 3 modding programs section ask owner for username and pass make a picture in MS paint save it as _______.jpg select inject on con edits select your .jpg image wait for injecting to finish rehash and resign if this helped be sure to donate me some points by clicking don8 points under my name
Hi Guys, i thought i would post my gfx application because i feel i am good at GFX and i am a hard worker that can learn new skills extremley fast especially at something i enjoy very much (GFX ) i am on ibot's everyday (all 7) in additon to this i am also quite good at adapting to new software if needed and take onboard any critisism and complaints and work my best to improve my peice to an accepted standard. Please Note: some of these are old pictures i have dug up from my photobucket so please dont judge me on only the stuff you see here the most recent are the first 2 in the sigs list even that said i am improving alot already since they were made. How long you have been doing GFX: About 1 year Program: Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended, Paint.Net (Sometimes..) I tried out gimp i just wasnt too fond of the way its set out :S sigs: Erm These Are probably classed as banners: Any large pieces (optional): (Drawn By Me) :S im probably not in anyway but i thought maybe i should show you guys and maybe prove myself wrong critisism or tips given are greatly appreciated Thanks.
Hey guys heres my new sig i finaly got to complete after my pc reformat any comments are greatly Appreciated
Thank God! maybe this update will stop the freaks that ddos the site dead in there tracks ermm i was wondering if someone ddos's a site with the ip address what happens if you place the site on a dynamic ip address or one that always changes would that stop them?
hey ive been tryng everything extract the slayer variant modding the offset Offset 0x282, byte and replacing it with a flamethrower and copying the edited code and replaceing it with the original con files one, then i tried editing the slayer file while it was still in the con like by not extracting it but i also saw that there is 2 _blf sections in the code anyhelp is GREATLY APPRECIATED
is it me or does he spam ALOT ^ as for the OS easyB seems to be right i would like to get a dev kit in order to do this etc... but why do you want the os ???