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Everything posted by sillybob123

  1. good way to try and boost post count the sites nothing compared to an app i have called craagle
  2. nah man im here for good i have noticed a sudden influx of "take over" will miss the guys that leave ive been here a few months now and i dont ever intend to leave stay strong guys the site just going through some harsh times i think this is happening because the urge to mod halo 3 is now nothing theres no new stuff information to discover well for un trained people - CON resigner has been released so i also think that could be a large factor ♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥'♥' Peace Guys Enjoy yourselves!
  3. Thanks for the edit <3 love the tut dont wanna get ban hammord though
  4. Iron man on an image blurrrrrrrrrrrred and text on top :s dont like it
  5. its good wackogamered but the text is sickening :S
  6. sillybob123


    Yes i would definatley reccomend the .Net framework http://www.filehippo.com/download_dotnet_framework_3/
  7. He shoots he scores! Miinaturvat strikes again wapow! lol remember it only works on ASCII strings
  8. Peaches you did a great job on this tutorial VERY noob pr00f thanks!
  9. OMG that is sweet dude im gunna try and do this !!!
  10. i would have water cooling transparent case and LEDS
  11. well lately the stuff u have come out with is garbage maybe theres been some ripping? or just there ancient and now you are not nearly as good as you were
  12. Hey heres a few more for ya Ctrl+Shift+Esc - Opens taskmanager (Also can be done with Ctrl+Alt+Del) Alt+F4 - Closes window Shift+F10 (Display the shortcut menu for the selected item) Alt+Spacebar (Display the System menu for the active window) Ctrl+Right Arrow (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word) Ctrl+Left Arrow (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word) Ctrl+Down Arrow (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph) Ctrl+Up Arrow (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph) :D :D
  13. ;D no probs dude but u did the code wrong the need to fix the front bit where you had http//:.photobucket.com plus you need to have [/img] at the end
  14. Hey heres a sig i made for you its not amzing but u didnt have one so i opend up photoshop http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b312/jayminor/GMOFSig.png [IMG=http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b312/jayminor/GMOFSig.png] Copy the text in that code box into your signature editor
  15. well cant u post just an assortment maybe the font prog and temperature thanks
  16. :o i was just reading the update before i see this post and now BUNGIE IS @#%$ED there making an already not very good but addictive game EVEN WORSE they better pull something good out of there hat fast or there gunna be loosing a s*** load of players
  17. well the questions in the title
  18. Links dead for me :S aswell as mlgpro.com
  19. i remember when i saw you get promoted to GFX and all the way to Sub-Admin i havent known you half as long as the others here on the forum but all your posts and you have been a great assest to the site and i dare speak for everyone on the forum in saying we will miss you
  20. I really like this sig nice colors blending and i also like the text 4/5
  21. Hmm try making sure all the cables are connected properly try not to drag but to right click and extract if that dosent work THEN try xplorer and like korupt said if your on vista right click and run as administrator
  22. _/ _/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ 1255
  23. Well you certainly dont spell like a 16 year old
  24. *cough* Who didnt know this already :S thanks for the post i guess you probably stole it from somewhere but im not getting into that BTW, how old are you?
  25. Its pretty easily done well this is how i would do it select the shape turn it to transparent thingy in the bottom left and then hold shift while dragging walla u will then have a continuing slinky ish shape etc..
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