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Everything posted by Random1225

  1. OMG I can now haz teh recon?!
  2. I use youtube downloader. http://youtubedownload.altervista.org/
  3. Sounds Cool can't wait to see the first review. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_novel
  4. But Im watching a video on youtube right now. Edit: I guess maintenance is over.
  5. Ok, so you've seen 2 pictures so you automatically know it's not worth it? That doesn't mean there won't be new things in it.
  6. Saw this on Saturday. I laughed at a couple parts like how the ghost has like dinosaur feet. Nothing scary happened until like the last 30 min. The rest of the movie was weird, but not scary.
  7. Thats pretty cool. It just needs some sounds and it's perfect.
  8. I'll miss you.
  9. It just came to one of the theatre near me. I'm gonna try and see it with a bunch of friends and see who screams first.
  10. I think it's in 360 reality, but idk. I just have the source.
  11. Ok so from what I've seen the Ipod touch has more stuff then the Zune HD. What makes the Zune HD so amazing?
  12. What is the Zune HD? I never really like ipods, but I want the iPod touch.
  13. Slip, didn't you make a program to do stuff like this?
  14. Random1225


    I LOLED.
  15. It says that on my old pc, but it can still play just fine. Things just don't have as much detail.
  16. Random1225


    Everyone on ibm should move to japan lol.
  17. Isn't this kinda not in VIP? I'm assuming it's like a typo so whatever and It sounds nice, I'll check it out.
  18. kanji is confusing.
  19. Yay for Pinatas!
  20. Random1225

    Nice Boat

    that's cuz the main characters a ******* retard Edit: lol whats with the double post in a single post.
  21. Im thinking of getting the snoop dog, black and white headphones.
  22. Random1225


    Lucky, hope you have fun.
  23. It's like fable in the sense that it uses magic, swords, axes, etc. It's kinda like a fusion of fallout and fable.
  24. I'm thinking of seeing it, but I don't think it playing anywhere near me.
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