I wouldn't be worried because it's not like they just automatically know you glitched it. Also whats the glitch, because I still have to get Seriously 2.0.
Here's a tut by nielsss http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?/topic/108-pelican-in-mp-tut/ and in this post there's another tut http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?/topic/344-50-tutorials-only-using-dothalo/
Not sure if we have the same problem, but I had that problem on an older computer. It wouldn't do anything if the drive was in. It would say nothing was plugged in. I think I restarted it and it worked.
I think Longshore looks pretty cool. It reminds me of the Storm. Citadel doesn't look as cool as I was hoping, I just hope it'll be cool after actually playing it.