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Everything posted by Random1225

  1. Why? I don't see anything in the rules saying this is bad.
  2. I wouldn't be worried because it's not like they just automatically know you glitched it. Also whats the glitch, because I still have to get Seriously 2.0.
  3. I think donors should be sky blue or just keep the member color. It's not like it a big deal what color you are.
  4. Shouldn't Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized be Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized
  5. Donors aren't affected by the word filter? Does VIP have that ability?
  6. Here's a tut by nielsss http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?/topic/108-pelican-in-mp-tut/ and in this post there's another tut http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?/topic/344-50-tutorials-only-using-dothalo/
  7. test test oh I get what it does now
  8. test
  9. How do you find the game id for something like Halo Odst?
  10. http://xboxgamefiles.com/ All the .maps for Halo 2 and 3 are there.
  11. If your talking about the maps http://xboxgamefiles.com/ all the .map files are there.
  12. Not sure if we have the same problem, but I had that problem on an older computer. It wouldn't do anything if the drive was in. It would say nothing was plugged in. I think I restarted it and it worked.
  13. I don't think you need accounts to download things anymore. I haven't signed in in like 2 years.
  14. I think Longshore looks pretty cool. It reminds me of the Storm. Citadel doesn't look as cool as I was hoping, I just hope it'll be cool after actually playing it.
  15. So if I play this and beat some people from bungie I'll get Recon?
  16. I'm not sure why you got the error, but if both computers are on the same network you can share folders and stuff.
  17. I haven't since I don't have a sister or any girl cousins that I've met, but I probably would have it if I did.
  18. lol wtf. Is there any other weird people you can be?
  19. Cool, I logged in on my old account just fine and it's got all the stuff from the old HaloMods.
  20. I haven't been there for a while but, even when I was there it was dieing. After Halo 3 came out it started to die.
  21. Sounds kinda cool. Not sure how often it will be used, but I think it might be a good idea.
  22. USA! USA! USA! **** you other countries!
  23. I get those all the time. I think it's like a bot just telling you to sign up on the site.
  24. Nvm Didn't read all of fattwam's post lol.
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