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Everything posted by Random1225

  1. I saw the pics this morning and I think I remember seeing something about them saying "This is not a Halo 4. Its a start of a new trilogy." but I'm not sure if I imagined it. If so I can't wait to see what they do. Edit: nvm It said that its not a Halo 4 nor is it the start of a new trilogy. Its a stand-alone game
  2. If your selling it because the disk tray doesn't work just hit it. Mine only opens sometimes and sometimes doesn't read disks. I just hit it a couple times while its reading or after clicking eject and it works.
  3. That sucks so much, but really why take only the 360 and PS2. PS2s are like $30.
  4. Were not laughing because he has autism. If a non autistic person did that it would still be funny.
  5. That xbox looks so sexy. If I had the extra money and didn't have anything else I wanted I might buy that.
  6. lol im not even sure what to say now.
  7. 2144. You guys are off by a 200.
  8. Haha this game looks so cool.
  9. It's sad . I just hope that Reach will save this site. I know it will have to end one day, but I don't want the site to end now.
  10. Sad to see you go , but I guess everyone is leaving. It's just a matter of when.
  11. I think this is against the rules so I'll pm it to you.
  12. Looks really cool. Lets hope this game doesn't fail like ODST.
  13. listening to some techno! XD
  14. listening to some techno! XD
  15. listening to some techno! XD
  16. listening to some techno! XD
  17. listening to some techno! XD
  18. listening to some techno! XD
  19. listening to some techno! XD
  20. Random1225


    haha maybe you aren't trying hard enough Lockon. Go get like 30 games an send him a pic and be like **** YES! there real games so you do have to buy them but just go to a warez site. they're all basically visual novels so just google that and see if you find one that interests you then search for a dl.
  21. it looks believable. The backgrounds could be a little different but otherwise it looks nice.
  22. when I first heard about it I thought it was about that avatar cartoon. I didn't plan on seeing it, but I heard it was great went and saw it in 3D and it's really good. If you see it go for the 3D
  23. haha i like to go on and ask if they want to have sex. usually they leave, but it's funny talking to the people who say ok .
  24. Peaches is releasing a 90 map map pack for Halo 2, though I'm not sure when it'll be released.
  25. $160 120gb Xbox HDD Assassin's Creed 2 Snuggie clothes Laptop (will post specs later) Dragon Age: Origin Halo: The Fall of Reach and some other stuff
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