I saw the pics this morning and I think I remember seeing something about them saying "This is not a Halo 4. Its a start of a new trilogy." but I'm not sure if I imagined it. If so I can't wait to see what they do. Edit: nvm It said that its not a Halo 4 nor is it the start of a new trilogy. Its a stand-alone game
If your selling it because the disk tray doesn't work just hit it. Mine only opens sometimes and sometimes doesn't read disks. I just hit it a couple times while its reading or after clicking eject and it works.
haha maybe you aren't trying hard enough Lockon. Go get like 30 games an send him a pic and be like **** YES! there real games so you do have to buy them but just go to a warez site. they're all basically visual novels so just google that and see if you find one that interests you then search for a dl.
when I first heard about it I thought it was about that avatar cartoon. I didn't plan on seeing it, but I heard it was great went and saw it in 3D and it's really good. If you see it go for the 3D