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Everything posted by Random1225

  1. I'd say Halo 3: ODST Since you play as an ODST.
  2. You should come to Cali.
  3. Software development kit Also for some reason it won't let me quote Preppy's post.
  4. Heretic is awesome and longshore looks a lot better then just what the picture showed. I don't know what it is but, I think Citadel looks like it has to much empty space. Maybe it's just me.
  5. Nice post, but ummmm why is this in General Discussion?
  6. I'm definitely going to see it. I'm also thinking about seeing The Final Destination.
  7. umm maybe your retarded because no staff member has posted in this topic.
  8. http://www.speedtest.net/result/533449327.png Stupid people and your fast internet.
  9. I gotta go with COD 4.
  10. What's UFO?
  11. I've never tried and some people are saying it's good so should I try it?
  12. I think this one is worse. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?/topic/15639-modding-controllers/
  13. I saw the old and this one actually looks pretty cool. I might go see this when it's out.
  14. awww the picture was removed
  15. You have to say more than 2 words if you want anyone to understand. I have absolutely no idea what this topic is about.
  16. I have braces and I chew gum all the time. The worst thing about braces is that when they first go on and whenever you change wires, for like a week you cant chew anything.
  17. I feel sorry for the kid, but this stuff happens all the time. This kid won't be getting his account stolen again after this, he'll be careful.
  18. It looks ok, but I don't get why they're even making this. It's just like family guy.
  19. They're pretty good. I have 2 of their albums, Appeal to Reason and The Suffer and the Witness. Also I love Tim's eyes it's so cool how ones brown and ones blue.
  20. I can haz teh last post?
  21. If you change your name and you decide you want to change it back do you have to wait another year and get another 1000 posts?
  22. Works just fine for me.
  23. Is the collectors edition just the game and the special controller?
  24. You have to have 1000 posts to change your name.
  25. Ya it is I just checked.
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