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Everything posted by Random1225

  1. You could just run really fast till you get to the end.
  2. Do you only get that error when using H2X? I think they have the 4.0 beta out right now.
  3. I used to hate it to, but after a while of using it it grows on you. I only use the Classic theme and the Royal noir theme.
  4. Where is T3A anyway? I haven't seen him on the site since he lost VIP.
  5. I like Robert's v2 and the second extra the most. I don't really like the other ones except the first one he did and the second, but I like the second more.
  6. How about we move it out, but you can't sell unless your like VIP, Mod, Sub, or Admin. It would be annoying for the normal members, but then we won't really have anybody getting ripped off.
  7. What? If this is real then that's sad. He was on the forum a long time and was a cool guy.
  8. What part of modding gives Bungie the right to sue them?
  9. I just came back from seeing it and it was pretty good. The movie itself was pretty good, except the humor was a little much at some parts. It'll probably have a sequel in the next 2-3 years I think.
  10. People use the rep system just not a lot. Some people just don't have any rep or haven't noticed it. I have like 7 rep I think, but people have more than that. Slip has like 16 I think.
  11. What is this? A Microsoft only game? Why would they make an achievement for it? All that does is show us the have some weird game with one achievement for 0 gs.
  12. I don't understand why this is such a big deal. We will be able to do the exact same thing in like 3 months. Also, why would a newspaper want an article about a guy who modded himself some achievements?
  13. I could do skinning if you need to and I used to know how to make the warthog play music, but I forgot.
  14. Yep now there perfect. I'm tied between your new ones and Angry's Candy ones.
  15. I like Robert's, but I think the text needs to stand out a little more. It's kinda difficult to read.
  16. Your a reta- ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD!
  17. Ya i know i have played fallout but i was asking about point lookout like can you go back to it and do side quests and stuff in point lookout.
  18. I heard it was like the Shivering Ilse in Oblivion. Like you can go back and do stuff still after the main quest for it. Is that true?
  19. I get the two rings like every other day. It just fixes itself after a while for me so I'm not gonna send it back till it's completly dead. Also when I switched how my 360 sat (It stood up, but now I lay it on it's side) it started to work.
  20. I like Candy the most. Keep it up, you'll probably win since pretty much you the only person trying.
  21. Oh k, I was like "How come I didn't know?". Is it worth the MS points?
  22. Eh? Point Lookout is out?
  23. Eh? You can't beat minesweeper that's impossible. Wat kIndz of 1337 h4x di u us3?!?!?!?
  24. I'm gonna try and see this movie this weekend. It's gonna be epic lol.
  25. I'm listening to Rock That Body by The Black Eyed Peas off there new album.
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