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Everything posted by Random1225

  1. I actually got that right
  2. Lol this is ******* hilarious!!!! XD
  3. Oh, ok that's what i thought but i wasn't sure
  4. Lol, okay lets try to be on topic. What are markers? anyone?
  5. Random1225

    DDoS lul

    I think he might mean the "moar red bar" thing?
  6. I'm not sure how i feel about this :\
  7. I love the GECK for fo3 i can only imagine this will be even better
  8. Markers?
  9. Ive played at my friends house a couple times. He sold it and I didn't care for it much. It was fun for a couple games and the amount of players sounds cool but all my friends who bought it ended up selling it.
  10. Just watched this and now theyre playing it on G4
  11. I missed like half of the first part of E3:(
  12. That armor looks pretty bad ass lol. I might actually play as an elite in Reach if all the armors are that cool.
  13. From?
  14. tring to make stuff in vb. Ive almost forgoten everything ive learned so its such a pain :(
  15. So that's what you look like . I guess ill have to post one sometime soon.
  16. I hate that flash drive modding can be done now . I was proud when I modded maps no matter how random because not everyone did it. Now all the kids i know can mod their gamerscore, MW2 gt, etc with modio.
  17. ohhhh kk that makes sense
  18. oh, just found something. Maybe its just me but my friends are all messed up. like when i view "Manage Friends" like 7 show up, but on my profile only one does?
  19. OMGZORZ wat is this?
  20. When i first saw this topic i was kinda like "ughhh" but after using it a little I really like 3.1. I love the look(though i do miss the pikmin theme) and i noticed that you get notifications when people quote you and idk i kinda like that
  21. Ya i don't see wats bad about it but to tell you the truth. I'm kinda impressed.
  22. wow did they like watch this vid when making the maps?
  23. Im going to find you! Edit: Are you dressed up!?
  24. lol there are people at my school who i have no doubt would do this if asked
  25. TES5!!!!!!!! XD
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