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Everything posted by Random1225

  1. Ok, a friend of mine just bought a xport and he hooked it up and everything, but he can't drag files from or into the hard drive. I'm pretty sure someone else had this problem, but I don't remember how to fix it and I couldn't find a topic about it. So any help would be nice. Thanks in advance.
  2. The clones double when host leavse, because when host leaves the map pretty much resets.
  3. Random1225

    RAM Edits

    I see what you did, but how do you do it?
  4. I believe KD so since this works what's the difference between a normal resigner and this?
  5. I've been looking forward to this for like 2 years. This game is going to be awesome.
  6. We should ad the forum, but not now. Later when it's released or there is more info on it.
  7. lol that sucks. My 360 gets the red ring like every few days, but I'm not sending it back until it's like about to explode.
  8. Random1225


  9. Random1225


  10. Isn't the coverage like 3 days long? If it is I'll try and get the time to watch it. I have to write an entire speech on Capital Punishment, by wed.
  11. I'm not watching. Have they said anything about Splinter Cell: Conviction or Assassin's Creed 2?
  12. This game better be good otherwise the halo series is just gonna die.
  13. Do you have .net framework 2.0 or later installed?
  14. The phpbb site looked a lot cooler. I like it better, but this is site cool too.
  15. lol poor pikmin
  16. What is this Real world of which you speak? lol anyways kk bye, hope you visit every now and then.
  17. I don't see any dogxdog on there. I think your prejudice against dog on dog relation ships.
  18. I didn't see anything.
  19. Didn't you post this already or is this different? http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=14212
  20. I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it tomorrow, but I'll try.
  21. I waited but xpargas never came on so I'm giving up now but if he's on later and is gonna do this I'll get back online.
  22. how much more time till this starts? it's 4 here and i don't feel like converting time zones so I just need to know how much longer until it starts.
  23. That might be a good idea except people might not read the pm. Whenever I sign up on a site I just ignore the welcome pm if they have one.
  24. OK I might not be their since my live ran out and I lost my other 3 month so unless i buy a one month today so I might not be their. edit: I bought one so I'll be there
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