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Everything posted by Random1225

  1. That was hapening to me for a while but it stopped. Now I just get logged out.
  2. I like IPB3, but since we had IPB2 for a long time and the skins were nice I like it better, but I think I'm just still getting used to IPB3
  3. it doesn't really matter if they no we have a section about it. it's not like they no what's in it, what other sections we have, and people talk about what sections are in vip all the time. Everyone new we had devkit stuff until eazy and gabe had it removed.
  4. Those would be good for a hacking site or VIP, but were not a hacking site so I don't think we have any reason to make a new section. Just try and earn VIP back then post them there.
  5. umm there's no pic and like whats the problem. Like is it just not playing video or what?
  6. Thanks, I'm thinking about modding Halo 2 and now I have another tut to learn from.
  7. Were you wearing Mark VI when you played the match?
  8. Ya I use utorrent and demonoid.com or the piratebay. You still have to watch what you dl to make sure they're not viruses.
  9. I like it except the spec ops one needs a different name and I think a few should be switched around.
  10. Ok, I don't know if this is a bug or something, but I keep getting this message saying an unknown error happened. It happens at random times and I can't recreate it it just happens. One example is I pressed backspace and it popped up. Just now I opened firefox, went to the site and as soon as it loaded it popped up. It looks like this.
  11. Looks pretty cool and the skin is starting to grow on me I think. Only problem is the post count like you said. On my profile it says 862, but in top posters it's 694 Edit: nvm the 862 counts off topic apparently
  12. Just use HxD. Does the same stuff, no installation, its free, and it's just cooler. If you need a link I can upload.
  13. Wtf, now there's another one of these stuALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD!
  14. Which mods are in there? I want to know which I have and don't before I dl.
  15. Hey, I lost my phone number ... Can I have yours?
  16. I'm gonna try and preorder this and assassin's creed 2 this week.
  17. I would if I still had an account there. I think it got deleted because I didn't use it enough.
  18. Beauty Is In The Eyes Of The Beerholder - I Set My Friends On Fire
  19. lol I remember that too. I would buy but I have one of those already lol.
  20. kk, thanks T3a. I'll tell him to try it.
  21. lol wtf that's freaking me out.
  22. Normal 20 gig that comes with the normal xbox 360. Also he said he just can't view whats inside partion 3.
  23. I told him to try Xplorer 360. Edit: he said it still didn't work. Also he said that all the partions show up and stuff, but he cant view whats inside of them.
  24. I don't know what version of xport he's using so let me ask him.
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