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Everything posted by Random1225

  1. Yay! Someone voted for me.
  2. Random1225


    wtf! How'd you get 1000. Just like last month me and you were like at the same in post count.
  3. I came up with my name when I was joining on my first forum. I didn't know what my name should be called so I just decided something random so I got Random. The 1225 I got from my birthday since it's on Dec. 25. So that's how I became Ranodm1225.
  4. I'm gonna buy an itouch soon and I was wondering, what does jailbreaking do? I see people talk about it all the time, but I never took much interest in what it was.
  5. I'm for the death penalty. I Just believe that some people deserve to die for what they've done and for those of you who are going to say "what gives you the right to take someones life", nothing gives me the right, but that's not gonna stop anyone.
  6. KD's Red Power Ranger Chief.
  7. It's a real kit. Also don't you have a dev xbox 1 already?
  8. I think Vegas is gonna be fun to explore and stuff because of all the big buildings. I'm not sure how they're gonna do the story line for this. In all the others you come out of a vault so maybe there is a vault in Vegas?
  9. The cbox looks sexy. Our's is okay, but I like that one better.
  10. Nice tut. I may have a reason to buy a psp now lol.
  11. Master Waldo
  12. Ya pretty much that's what I'm saying.
  13. lol we should have that again. I like talking to the bot even though it's mean to me.
  14. I'm Christian. I believe in God, but not in religion. I hope that makes sense.
  15. Lol I heard about this thing and decided to check it out. It's ******* hilarious. It's a chat bot that talks to you. It hates me though. It told me. http://www.pandorabots.com/pandora/talk?bo...5d922d97e345aa1
  16. Random1225

    Course mod

    I was just about to make a racetrack course kinda thing and then I built this kinda like House/city thing and then a temple then I started just throwing crap on the ground. It was kinda cool lol.
  17. For - I think they should be able to. It doesn't have anything to do with me I just think if that's what they want people shouldn't be able to say they can't. Against Pro Choice - I guess it's not right to kil babies before they're born, but It should be the mothers choice
  18. You can do it Quinn. I believe in you.
  19. I think he's doing well as president. Even if you don't like him you have to admit he's better than bush.
  20. Broken steel is kinda fun. I haven't beaten it yet, but the weapons and stuff are cool.
  21. I think people don't do it enough. I see people ask for help. Then everyone calls them a noob and tells them to google when we could just help them here.
  22. I want them to come out with an expansion like the Shivering Isle for Oblivion. It was more than just three quests and it was fun to do stuff there afterward.
  23. Ya, but if we don't make programs to mod Halo who will. Bungie? I don't think so.
  24. Didn't you already post this, or did I like see into the future or something?
  25. From the library? If downloaded the song off itunes then i'm pretty sure the file should be in C:\Documents and Settings\User\My Documents\My Music\iTunes\iTunes Music or something like that.
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