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Everything posted by Random1225

  1. and he said "Let there be modz." and then there was.
  2. ..., but Dan was also blind so the little boy sneaked away while the mutant amputee octopus attacked the air...
  3. ...because he got hungry...
  4. ...Made out of cheese...
  5. Nice tool. Also I haven't played Prototype yet so idk, but is the game any good?
  6. lol Smokie it's ok I gave you +rep so now it's at zero. I still don't think this is a bot, but I guess it could be.
  7. That happens to me all the time lol. Sometimes it's really annoying.
  8. Nights. I don't even wake up till noon so I don't see the morning.
  9. I don't think Penguin's film editor works unless this is like an updated version.
  10. I only see ice. Whatever animal is there is super camouflaged.
  11. Ya after they made the new series for H3 I didn't seem as good. It was the same pretty much, but there was just something about it that wasn't good.
  12. Also you could just install both. I did and I just use whichever one I feel like using at the time.
  13. Thank you and +rep for you.
  14. Ok, I'm using Entity 1.3.9 and I'm using the BSP viewer, but I can't figure out the controls. I think there is already a topic about this, but I couldn't find it so could anyone tell me the controls for it.
  15. Some apps won't work depending on you OS. I had a program that worked fine on Windows SP2 but it wouldn't run at all on SP3.
  16. You could at least embed it.
  17. Ok, so you need the codec to watch a video and it crashes when ffdshow is also installed? Does the codec work when ffdshow is uninstalled?
  18. lol I wish had the dvds.
  19. Maybe he meant something else and typed it wrong or something? If it's not detected where would he get that idea.
  20. It is? Well I guess my other pc is infected then.
  21. The grav lifts are the air lifts on the map just when spawned on the map they have weird green squares and you don't see the sand in the air. I don't remember what tag they're under though.
  22. lol that's so random. Bungie must have been like "Hey lets put a cigarette under the stairs." that make prefect sense.
  23. I tried opening them but after a while they stopped opening.
  24. lol thats a lot to read. I tried read it all but I stopped like halfway, but some of the stuff is pretty cool.
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