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Everything posted by iKhaosmaster

  1. i like apples and mangos
  2. This is a post on all the stupid things i have done. 1. Skydiving 2. Bungee jumping off a bridge 3. Skateboarded off my roof 4. Went up to 130 mph on my quad 5. make a bike ramp out of rotten and wet wood and went off it 6. Told off Bungie 7. Did your mom, whoops sorry that was suppost to be a secret 8. Went kayaking during a close hurricane 9. Ran away from the cops 10. Jumped off a 500 foot ledge 11. Went to the drive ins and blasted my music and threw baseballs at the screen and got kicked out This is just a short list of all the stupid things i have done...
  3. this is ok
  4. yea i trust him to
  5. ok thank you so much now my i can give my friends all the applications on my computer
  6. this is weird it actually speeded up my computer. thats really weird
  7. thanks my moms always finding programs on my computer that she doesn't want me to have so
  8. thank you for this it helps
  9. thanks dude this is great it works for when i'm at school
  10. thanks dude my computer is slower than anything and i really need this to speed it up thanks.
  11. you should really put a download link up
  12. i just finished reading all these. they are awesome they teach you so much
  13. wow this actually works my start button looks kool now
  14. i think you should get a tv tuner
  15. chromehounds has to be the worst game ever
  16. thanks nielsss for giving us that program
  17. iKhaosmaster


    mine is bigkillerjoe875
  18. just find a new one and use that
  19. i would prefer audacity its probably the best one out there
  20. i hope you like your new home
  21. you finally got live. thank god
  22. i'll add you
  23. command and conquer 3 is awesome i can't stop playing the game when i got it
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