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Everything posted by iKhaosmaster

  1. Good job on v8. You are the best I've ever seen at GFX. XD
  2. It looks really good. I love the bricks. Great job.
  3. Definitely your best yet. Keep up the good work. Also what does the text say?
  4. I actually like the text. Good job.
  5. That is sex. Great collab guys.
  6. Ok that's really random.
  7. Looks really good. I like the effects. The blending is good to.
  8. Look at all my posts now. I think all of them are perfect.
  9. I need to get better. You already have me but here it is again. khaosmaster@live.com
  10. Your getting really good with that tablet. Great tag. Keep up the good work.
  11. Yea we have a lot of spamming going on from the new members. It's good to warn them with a news topic.
  12. Dude that's a little to much.
  13. That's really random. Looks pretty good though.
  14. Dude that is sex. That is sex for your first time using a tablet.
  15. Text needs a lot of work. The effects are great. Overall it's pretty good.
  16. Text isn't that great. Color flow is really good though.
  17. Don't tell me what to do. It's as simple as that.
  18. Thank god he's unbanned. He always provided us with good sources.
  19. Might want to change it. Many people use Internet Explorer.
  20. Rofl! That was funny as hell.
  21. Merge Help & Resources into General. Merge Battlezone into Showoff. That way it's a lot smaller.
  22. You have no idea what your even saying. This is one of his greatest tags.
  23. I voted for you legacy because yours has the best effects. The text is perfect and overall it's a great tag.
  24. Here we are. It sucks but o well. http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll286/teracannon/paintballtag.png
  25. Looks really good. It looks like you did a lot of brushing.
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