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Everything posted by REDSTAR 105

  1. AWESOME!!! 10000/10! Sick editing!
  2. http://machinima.com/film/view&id=26616 Arby n' the Chief - The movie
  3. Not only does he try to hijack, but he also lies about programs, when they are really things that delete win32, crashing your comp FOREVER!
  4. Nice MFone.
  5. Me too, all he does is try to hijack accounts.
  6. No i actually mean one shot kill with every weapon, really 1% health or something like that, you shoot one plasma rifle bolt at someone and they die.
  7. A harder course mod on blackout. Or Standoff with 16 banshees on instant spawn, with other things like clones, added equipment, scenery, ect. If you can, 10% gravity and 500% speed on a gametype, plus 1 shot kill .
  8. Nice Job, only one thing, make sure you put bold text in Pictures, Bugs, Download, and Features.
  9. Nice! What i recommend is to have a few shade turrets.
  10. You would need more than a one month to get someone to do that for you. I can't though, probably nobody on this site can yet.
  11. Yea but if you click view game, they are not in it.
  12. REDSTAR 105


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rvK-uq_qXs [youtube:2xb8uawu]6rvK-uq_qXs[/youtube:2xb8uawu]
  13. You won't be able to get someone to resign maps for you if you just ask.
  14. yes, 1. Get recon 2. Use Found Machine to clone yourself Your all set XD Just Kidding.. but that works No probaly not.
  15. I did too, it sucked, thanks Pimpin!
  16. And how did you get your hands on a rehasher?
  17. Khaos said MFone could leak it. I don't know why. I hope its...
  18. Thanks.
  19. Rat's Nest Modded v1 Made by Gold Star Mods Post written up by REDSTAR 105 of iBotModz.net Features: - 3 Pelicans - 3 Clones - Needler Ammo - Rocket Ammo - Sniper Ammo - Flames at start Pictures Video [youtube:h92qm6a9][/youtube:h92qm6a9] Or link to HighDef YouTube version here Download Mirror 1, Bungie.net Forum Post
  20. Strike 2 JUSTREC! He's in the clan, and im the filmer, i still do help with mods. but i also film them along w/ HeadShotSniper5.
  21. Shade Turrets Flames Clones Thats all i can remember, there is a lot more though... like the needler ammo. Rocket ammo also.
  22. Trust me, someone in our clan is going to lag, and think its forge, but its really custom game, and then play it w/ their friends, they get the map = it becomes leaked slowly. 1 week later it would be released, but, if that doesn't happen, we will try our best not to leak it.
  23. One problem, we dont have a resigner.
  24. http://youtube.com/watch?v=iQIcftimhI4&fmt=18 made by my clan
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