You may want to rephrase that, but since your iPod was jailbroken you need to know which apps you got illegally and which you didnt because those apps will not be synced to your ipod. But yes all your music will be re-synced and apps will too.
It wasnt that much of a bump... >_< But let's keep this going! Song: Robot Rock Artist: Daft Punk
Pros and Cons of IPB3: Pros: Nice, sleek looking.Tons of new featuresA lot more organizedCons: Many, MANY bugsNot getting used to the layoutThe 'Loading' that appears every 10 secondsOverall: IPB2: 8/10 IPB3:6/10
If your not a retard, then you know the only way of getting rep is getting it legitimately by posting helpful programs/tutorials/ect. This thread is pretty much saying, "This is the only way I'm going to get rep so please rep me!" EDIT: Contacting Moderator to lock so there is no post boosting. EDIT2: Oh, it's off topic... nvm, still contacting moderator.