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Everything posted by REDSTAR 105

  1. Here you go: Ragdoll Blaster Physics Puzzler v1.1.ipa Download: http://endlessapps.net/dl.php?file=Ragdoll+Blaster+Physics+Puzzler+v1.1.ipa
  2. ya. i used to have one. i remember it was either melo or fattwam that posted it. try pm'ing either of them.
  3. I KNOW!!! 0.o I was l.iek, OMG HE MUST FEEL LIEK, "OMGWTFBBQ?" lulz, but that really must have sucked
  4. haha, a ghey smiley.
  5. make a new account and it will say "You are eligible for a free 1 month gold trial" but if you wanna be anal about it... :| then go to gamestop and pay $20 for a 3 month.
  6. Sorry for the delay, haven't checked up on this for awhile! Anti Mosquito v1.2.1 Anti Mosquito 1.2.1-Kashi.ipa.zip Anti Mosquito Pro w/ timer & your own music as background v1.1 http://www.mediafire.com/?mf0qtyowt2m
  8. All those colors won't work well, but I would choose Sky Blue, if none of those colors, pick some weird green, like this one
  9. I would say no because you didn't break Xbox live's ToS.
  10. maybe you should set the arc to 0.
  11. According to Xbox.com, new HD's prices are listed as: 20 GB: $50 60 GB: $100 120 GB: $150
  12. http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/2646/68316968.png Here you go. untitled.bmp
  13. You already posted a topic, someone close this one.
  14. Yea, your probably right. It maybe safer anyway, I mean, if you know how to count.
  15. If not, then I'm pretty sure you can revive the player within about 16 minutes
  16. http://images.uulyrics.com/cover/g/goldfinger/album-hang-ups.jpg Song Title: Superman Artist: Goldfinger
  17. I already haz one!!
  18. You can see the problem there right?
  19. Hopefully mods and admins can only do that XP.
  20. Instant rounds: g_speed "9.9" g_spawnai "0" ai_pathtoplayergiveuptime "0" Use all three together. Increased Juggernaut: perk_armorVest "0" Unlimited Last Stand Time: player_lastStandBleedoutTime "999" Auto-Aim (Single Player Only) *Thanks iLiiMiiTeD*: r_ShowFloatzDebug "1" aim_autoaim_enabled "1" aim_autoaim_lerp "99999999" aim_autoaim_region_height "120" aim_autoaim_region_width "99999999" aim_lockon_debug "1" aim_lockon_enabled "1" aim_lockon_region_height "0" aim_lockon_region_width "1386" aim_lockon_strength "9.99" aim_lockon_deflection "0.0005" Use all together. Triple Tap Perk (Replaces Double Tap): perk_weapRateMultiplier "0.001" Instant Reload Perk (Replaces Speed Cola): perk_weapReloadMultiplier "0.001" That's all I can think of for now, if you have another one, please post and i will post it here and give you credit! kthxbai.
  21. It is supposed to be where you can insert/delete dvars.
  22. umm, rephrase? TRANSLATION: Does anyone know how to mod pelicans into a map?
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjUGPuEyGmU Check them out, look at some of their videos, they upload nearly daily and have a live stream, +, they are ******* hilarious, here is what I want you to do for yourself, me, and keemstar nation, I want you to subscribe to their videos and send their channel a message, put the title as "I sub'd!", and copy and paste thisinto the message. Hello, I have subscribed to your youtube channel. My gamertag is (insert gamertag here) and I was referred to by IAA Redstar. I look forward to watching your videos! Thank you guys very much ~Redstar 105.
  24. Guys, problem solved, close the topic.
  25. Japanese rule, that means I rule , not only now are Japanese the best tourists, they have the highest life expectancy!
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