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Everything posted by matty0

  1. i have the founder of this glitch on my friends list (swampfoxE7) an he asked me 2 film it 4 him. so i'll upload a tutorial for u 2morrow, its not quite as obvious as it looks but its very easy. funny to see him with the brute shot mainly tho lol he holds it like a brief case haha
  2. cmon guys lets try an b a bit more helpful than negative. ok so your problem is you dont have the space to reccord to in the first place so recording 2 a big file then encoding it to something smaller wont work cos u cant reccord it in the first place lol... right, well i suggest u either buy a slave HDD (if u can run win7 i assume ur somp can handleIDE disk drives) so i would try an buy something like THIS a 160GB Seagate Baracuda. itl b rly fast, rly reliable an its less than $40... so rly u have no excuse. if you genuinely cant afford that an u dont wanna go on a deleting spree on ur pc, i recomend getting yourself a windows live "SkyDrive" this is basicaly 25gb of free online storage space just for having a hotmail account... win. you cant use this as an actual HDD but you can use it as a "virtual drive" which means you cant just save files onto it like you would a normal hdd, but you can move things onto it for storage. so i reccomend u move all ur movies an things onto there and only have what u need on your physical disk, so that u have the optimum space you can manage for your recordings. just a note btw, on vista and 7 there are only 2 programs that capture from Dazzle cards, and they are "Pinnacle Studio 11" and "Pinnacle Studio 12 (Plus)" so your gona hav 2 get one of them rly. i personaly recomend dual booting, vista still hasnt surpassed the brilliance of xp yet so i cant quite leave it behind, but hey if you dont have the space thats not an option. so yeah, i hope this has helped a little
  3. i duno if it has 1 in studio 12, but there deffinately is in vegas and premiere pro. just edit in 1 of those
  4. matty0

    [Support] RROD

  5. clever jumps, but the video needs anti ailising. anyway, very clever
  6. i bought a dvc 130 for £17 lol i duno how that converts 2 us$ but thats nuthin rly. an the quality i get is better than most videos i see so i love it. download studio 12, capture in dvd quality and run an anti-ailising 2-pass filter after its done an the quality is ace. trust me its more about how you treat the video than the quality its captured in. and *technicaly* no u cant, but most cap cards record at 720pix wide, so go into vegas or premiere and stretch it by 2x then add a gausian blur and a very light sharpening filter and itl look crisp enough, thats technicaly the dimensions required for HD... but its not actualy a HD recording
  7. sorry 2 read that. i hope u do well at halomods an i hope ur happier there. best of luck m8, sorry u hav 2 go. Matty0
  8. i would have bet a zillion pounds that there would be a "but" in that hahahaha and anyway, a tutorial edit like this takes no more than an hour or so... and an upload is the same, so wheres the video?... as i sed, im happy to admit im wrong and i will appolagise if i am, but you're proving my BS claims to be very accurate so far...
  9. my name is jesus and i too aprove. as does my friend matty0
  10. kl. send me it as a video an i'll record it 4 u 2morrow. i promise
  11. we're not off topic, we're discussing a glitch involving the monitor, thats the closest u can get 2 a sentinal... no cos its not real just make a vid in theatre, send it 2 me and i will capture it for you. i will upload the unedited video to the net for you to download and edit yourself. im happy 2 b proved wrong, but until you do so it just looks more and more like you're being untruthful
  12. well im gona need 2 see it 2 believe it im afraid. dont worry im more than happy 2 be proved wrong and i will gladly even record it for him if he likes, but untill i see it im sticking 2 my convictions
  13. yeah im sure u will make a vid n put it on your file share. i'll gladly record it for u and upload the video 2 rapidshare so u can edit it yourself. can't say fairer than that can i? (p.s. you could have used a better excuse... RROD would b more believeable)
  14. im calling bull$hit till i see a video. the veichles vanish when it teleports you, and even if they diddnt it teleports you to a different area...which i video'd a year and a half ago lol. im not believing this till i see it.
  15. john finds his phone and rings me, i hire them a speed boat 3 minutes. beat that
  16. i know thatd b cool. unfortunately it isnt a soft barrier gd 4 u have fun with it huh, never happened for me... still. coolio
  17. use style xp for that. creates a repairable backup an works perfectly anyway. its not that dangerous... if u boot in safe mode it ignores boot and logon mods so u can just revert it anyway.
  18. i dunno what it is. i had surfing usa but before it had even finnished uploading i hada "claim from the WMG" an the track was switched with whatever that crap is... i wish youtube would just pay there bloody PRS liscence yup exactly right. i tried to do a tut on that a few times, but theres really only 1 step...get 2 people in a dumpster and jump like your on acid haha boredom thatl b exactly how it was discoverd, they peobly just fel in by accident an realised it started moving wen they tried 2 jump out he probly saw the youtube vid, but either way its not that hard 2 find, i did it the first time totaly accidentaly
  19. erm...kinda... in the tank you can get in the turret just fine and you can drive it for about 1 seccond then you die. all other veichles you just die in im afraid you can however land a chopper down there and land it on a tank and drive that a bit... theres nowhere 2 go tho so its kinda useless.
  20. im gona b doin a degree in music nxt year so i know what im talking about here there are 2 kinds of synths for pc, 1 - midi *totaly digital, not recorded from instruments but purely emulated by code on your pc* 2 - "sampled" sound *notes recorded from real instruments and converted into sounds you can use to digitaly create music* midi (unless you get a ready programed application) requires you to learn "midi mapping" its quite easy to get the hang of, but as your new to this i would recomend ready programed aplication. i'll give you a list of the industry used programs for each type. Midi *Best program* Stienberg Cubase (sx 3 and above) *easiest program for a noob* Guitar Pro 5 (its not just guitars, its for any instrument) Sampled *Best program* Propellerheads Reason 4 (i use this and its astonishingly good) *the mac users choice...* Logic Pro all of these programs cost money but if you were to google the name of the program i.e. cubase sx3, followed by the word rapidshare, so you were googling the phrase "cubase sx3 rapidshare" you may inadvertantly come across a illegaly cracked version that wont cost you any money! i know that it would be a terrible thing to do to download it, especialy if the version you found had "h20" in the name as they famously cracked it without any viruses included or any adverse effects to your computer... so yeah... dont do that... bad i duno how gd you are with sarcasm...so read that twice lol
  21. "On the ark you can surf on Sentinels,when you go to extend the bridge,not sure if you have recorded this yet. " i hadnt, now i have, Cannot Be Displayed all you need is 2 players and some free time lotsa fun
  22. sure i'll hook u up. if u wanna see my latest work then put on the new ibm skin an check the header just let me know the dimention and if theres any particular colour scheme or pics u want included.
  23. set up a windows live "skydrive" or more if youve got multiple hotmail accounts... i spose you could make 1 solely for this purpose... anyway, they're 25gb of online storage space. you can map it as a virtual drive with "gladinet" then set it up as a personal ftp. make 4 of em and you have 100gb upload space... its on a direct microsoft server so the up n down stream is uber fast... and best of all... wait for it... FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  24. thanks muchly i think so 2, itd b nice 2 update the odd bits ps khaosmaster, love your stuff! (pics were nice 2 ) no i jest lol...but really, gr8 artwork
  25. thanks most r 2-3 years old from wen i started out so im much better now thanks nice 2 hear...read lol
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