I'm pretty sure we'd need to know how wide or tall the screen is, as well as the diagonal of 22" And before you go saying that it's 16" by 9", remember that 22^2 is NOT 16^2 + 9^2
It's not really a nuke in a care package, is it? And that was totally set up. there is no chance that someone wouldn't move when they seen red smoke coming from the bottom of their scope
Leave it out of the case. Mine isn't in a case; it's sitting on 2 blocks of wood, with the DVD drive rotated 90 degrees clockwise, sitting on a stand made of lego, to stop the heat from the GPU wrecking the drive
The paste for a CPU and GPU will be exactly the same, since all the paste does is transfer the heat from a chip to a big clump of metal But I wouldn't put any thurmal paste below the card, as goodcrap so crudely suggested...
So that's where my "infected" title magically appeared from... I got knifed by some guy, and it was all like "Challenge Complete: Infetced" and http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/4281/iloldj.jpg