Just PM me if you want it. I'll happily sell it for $25, but I'd be comfortable if you were to send the $25 to me first, before I disclose the password, pin, etc.
Right, I just found my old runescape account details, which I haven't played in like 5 years, and I have no intention of playing it ever again (because it's shit) Who wants to buy it? Username is miinaturvat if you wanna check the hiscores... Combat level 75... there shouldbe 2 images of the stats and the bank items attached. I wants paypal money, but I have NO CLUE how much it's worth. Someone help me? 1.bmp 2.bmp
'cause it's not at all ripped from here: http://www.nextgenupdate.com/forums/call-duty-5-world-war-glitches/62322-real-10th-prestige-glitch.html :realmad:
Oooh, so it was a CRC, was it? I was trying to edit an offline profile's multiplayer stats, but found that whenever I edited the EXP, it would show up as corrupt on the xbox.