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Everything posted by miinaturvat

  1. lolcat ain't lolling anymore.
  2. It might pre-date me! Not too sure...
  3. $1.25
  4. You just change 2 bytes in a hex editor... The BLF is the main part of the gametype (Begins at 0xC000, or 0xD000, depending on the filesize of the gametype).
  5. If you open up a gametype in a hex editor, at offset 0x147 into the BLF, there's an enum that, when value changed to 5, will make the gametype a Forge gametype. Also, at offset 0x24F into the BLF, there is a byte that represents your respawn time. Make that 0, and your respawn time will be 0 also. Just change the enums, re-hash and re-sign the gametype and play it.
  6. what happened again? And you suck compared to your mates
  7. Yeah, I figured that much... I don't get it's meaning. What's it all about?
  8. I don't understand it...
  9. OMG is that MattyOvers? The guy that leaked all those achievements?
  10. Hrmm... The HDD color looks a bit off...
  11. Take some pics with a camera or something And maybe your NIC driver isn't installed... Open up device manager and see. Failing that, wipe the computer and start again.
  12. miinaturvat

    I lol'ed

    Bitch be lollin. And he should be hung
  13. You're a sexy beast, Lax.
  14. You don't spawn with no weapons, you spawn with a droppable weapon (like a flamethrower or missile pod). And you do realise you only have to modify one bite in the CON file... Don't you? At offset 0x282 into the actual gametype, change the byte to a 0x14 for a flamethrower.
  15. I like determinism. Clearly someone else does, too But not the christian part of it. Determinism minus the god part FTW
  16. A little "playtime"? Where do you find this stuff?
  17. "STILL HAVEN'T FOUND THE RIGHT ONE" No ******* wonder! Go on a diet, ya fat bitch!
  18. No, random spam is! http://www.crunchgear.com/wp-content/photos/spam_1.jpg On a serious note, have ANY of the people arguing about this even got the collectors edition of the game?! whoever has it, see if you have a golden clan tag with only the disk, without downloading anything first. If it works, you'd have to mod the disk to get a golden clan tag. If you have to download something to get it working, then do so, and put a normal game disk in and see if you still have the golden clan tag. If so, it's whatever you downloaded making the golden clan tag appear and that's the file you want to get a copy of (probably what jmdalmighty was talking about). Simple
  19. I believe it is not.
  20. miinaturvat

    My baby

    Does that thing actually move? If so, can I haz a link to the map?
  21. I'm gonna get one of those and replace my 360's standard heatsinks with that bad boy!
  22. yee http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/4610/97799578.png untitled.bmp
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