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Everything posted by miinaturvat

  1. http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2009/8/5/128939911182805266.jpg
  2. It could be because you're not an active member or something? Oh, and the peachmaster is neither male nor female, but simply a peach connected to a PC somewhere.
  3. α β γ δ ε ζ η θ ι κ λ μ
  4. http://images.paraorkut.com/img/funnypics/images/w/wtf_star_trek-12873.jpg
  5. Unusual... Have you dropped it down the stairs recently?
  6. what color are da days?
  7. miinaturvat


    I clacked those eggs. Then I clicked them.
  8. What do you need help with?
  9. Oh, sorry. That's what I meant to say.
  10. So you would never touch a gameboy? Shame on you.
  11. and if this is the case, you'll need the origional (and the error-free) NAND dunp.
  12. No way is that your account... ...unless you were custom-games boosting...
  13. Over 2700. My service record: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Halo3/Default.aspx?player=miinaturvat Check out the first screenshot! And I don't play it anymore
  14. I believe you could be correct.
  15. Actually, you're wrong. It goes: Halo Wars --> Halo Reach --> Halo 1 --> Halo 2 (first bit) --> Halo ODST --> Halo 2 (second bit) --> Halo 3 --> MW2
  16. Shup, you and your seven gramatical and spelling errors...
  17. Isn't the E79 caused by a bad JTAG?
  18. I assume you seen the little red pikmin at the bottom, yes?
  19. Well if it pre-dates you, it must pre-date me, since we signed up on the same day
  20. http://img682.imageshack.us/img682/6744/towerofbabpik.png Mah uber GFX skills.
  21. Sure. The case is pretty strong, like...
  22. you know, it's actually supposed to NOT be in a TV stand. It even says in the instruction manual, to keep it in a well-ventilated area, out of TV stands
  23. Because your mother said "Move that box, for I must hoover near it!"
  24. Tired and I'm hungry
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