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Everything posted by miinaturvat

  1. Oh, I get it
  2. what the hell?! That song is ownage!
  3. Especially if they are little, smoke weed and have a friend called "bad man", who you can occasionally do missions for.
  4. Hey, if he's willing to pay it, I'm not complaining
  5. Iiiiiiiiii just wanna tell you how I'm feeling...
  6. We're no strangers to love...
  7. Just PM me if you want it. I'll happily sell it for $25, but I'd be comfortable if you were to send the $25 to me first, before I disclose the password, pin, etc.
  8. you can but it for 50% of that if you want...
  9. Right, I just found my old runescape account details, which I haven't played in like 5 years, and I have no intention of playing it ever again (because it's shit) Who wants to buy it? Username is miinaturvat if you wanna check the hiscores... Combat level 75... there shouldbe 2 images of the stats and the bank items attached. I wants paypal money, but I have NO CLUE how much it's worth. Someone help me? 1.bmp 2.bmp
  10. gtfo everyone here hates you! Joke
  11. Well, the armour is only really for online play, so it would make sense to make the credit for that armour online too...
  12. Yee
  13. 'cause it's not at all ripped from here: http://www.nextgenupdate.com/forums/call-duty-5-world-war-glitches/62322-real-10th-prestige-glitch.html :realmad:
  14. miinaturvat


    No U! Am I too late?
  15. miinaturvat


    ******* massive, by the sounds of it It's a whole new type of anti-theft!
  16. Don't you get the code with ODST in a few months, anyway?
  17. miinaturvat

    oh teh lolz

    Where the hell did you find that?!
  18. I won
  19. I hope mine wins...
  20. Mine works fine... What was meant to be broken about them?
  21. *snide comment, less witty than Slidell's*
  22. Or maybe the cumulative post count of 3 kinda voids any credibility?
  23. miinaturvat


    Wtf happened to 000 0010?
  24. Oooh, so it was a CRC, was it? I was trying to edit an offline profile's multiplayer stats, but found that whenever I edited the EXP, it would show up as corrupt on the xbox.
  25. Maybe that's why they removed it from the final game? And it's only for Jtag's
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