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Everything posted by miinaturvat

  1. It's not the fact that there are no good forgers, it's the fact that there are few good ideas on playable mods If I ever need a forger, I'll probably do it myself, since I like forging too
  2. Nice. Guess what I'll be doing at school next time
  3. The site doesn't work...
  4. There's also a few more rocks to stop you getting to the water behind the base
  5. Cool. I'm gonna try this next time I'm helping people with the campaign
  6. Could be real, could be fake. Just remember that simple screenshots don't proove anything
  7. Some people on Youtube worry me:
  8. He won't do that. I bet he's never actually left his house. He's actually 30 years old, living with his mom, eating pizza at 1 in the morning while sitting on a spinny chair posting crap on websites about how he's so great
  9. This could turn out quite funny in DLC playlists
  10. Cool, But you do ofcourse realise you do not have to beat the crap out of him to kill him, just one shot to the head with a weapon that can do headshots will kill him And I never knew you could get up to where he was! Thanks for that
  11. 1) the whole point of posting in a forum is go get other peoples oppinions. 2) He is not "trying to give out stuff for the halo community", he is trying to get attention. I'm not too sure if he cares what sort of attention he gets, eather... Look at any of the topics he has started. They do not "give out stuff for the halo community", they simply exist to get attention. If he was "trying to give out stuff for the halo community", surely he would attempt to put up an argument, or at least acnowledge peoples posts that go against what he writes. And why are you picking on me, when you know I am right, and so many others here are saying exactly waht I do
  12. Just stop. You know as well as everyone else that this is a load of crap. There are no such things as 'RSA Crackers' as you so crudely wrote. If there were, they would be so un-efficient that they would never finish their work in a generation. So just stop. Please.
  13. No, he can't. He doesn't understand what any of this stuff does (half of it is utter rubbish, though) He believes that because it confuses him, it'll confuse other people and make them believe he is smart. Clearly, his plan backfired
  14. And isolation is the worst map ever for Halo 3 lol. I bet Shot can't even tell the difference between the two
  15. That must have took ages to write This'll come in handy for me, Thanks
  16. Quite useful, if you manage to get some 360GS saves withought actually having access to 360GS... Nothing to do with Halo 3 either... Maybe it should be in VIP forums?
  17. funny how just a few days ago, you posted that you got bored of modding and you hate it... So... The re-signer isn't yours, you got the XeX stuff from xorloser.com, the RSA ******* is a load of bull, Linux is free and you probably got it from GNU.org, none of the Kernal stuff is yours, 'HACKED Firmware' is infact for the DVD drives, and is pretty easy to find, and nothing in 'Firmware tools' is yours. Apart from missing out about 50 names from the credits, you even claim it's your research in the root directofy of the .ZIP! Yet again, you are lying to get attention. Do you enjoy the kind of attention you are getting?
  18. I found something just like this on a webpage somewhere... I've attached the HTML version to this post. It's probably the same coding. If so, it's not all of episode IV, just the first but And to the guy who thinks this is a keylogger, you obviously don't know a lot about telnet ascii_starwars.htm
  19. Ah, but it's Java And it is pretty bad. A lot of my friends and I played it when I was 10-12, it really does get boring; sitting down and clicking...
  20. This may come in handy although, it is easily circumvented if you know what you're doing... ...you're clearly not a hacker then... nor do you understand what a programming language is... Actually, noobs use VS. People who use VS are either working for a business that have a million meetings before anything gets done, or just plain lazy, not real hackers and don't really care how anything works as long as it works. Anyway, you can't compare batch to VS, because they're completely different! VS is a crappy programming environment, and batch is a series of commands to be run in a command prompt. It's like asking which one would you choose: a bottle or a chair? Completely different, thus cannot be compared in the way you are trying.
  21. Nice How does it work?
  22. Nice find! I'll be doing this to confuse some of my friends
  23. It'll get the guy who's fileshare this is on banned!
  24. Who really cares who found it first? I don't, do you? All that matters is we all understand how it was done.
  25. Looks like it's another Xbox dashboard theme editor... Looks like it will be really cool! But what does it have to do with Halo 3 modding...
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