Ok, it's quite obviously not a modding program: Who the hell would post a modding program without explaining what it modded? So either: A) It's a 'script kiddie' batch file (just deletes things, renames things or similar) B) It's a proper virus, but I doubt you have the ability to create one C) It's a 'script kiddie' batch file but you've been a **** and infected it with a virus by accident I'm suspicious of C, personally
It's attached to this post. I think it's about search engine optimisation, and how to get your website to be ranked well within google. www.postershost.info-Google.SEO.Secrets.pdf
http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs209.snc1/7633_143551199583_779019583_2649536_713601_n.jpg Do you want this guy in teh adminz? I know I wouldn't! his cheeks are too strechy. But the poof with the braces and the scratch on his right hand... Well... That, my friends, is another story all together. One word of advice, don't trust a transformer that goes to a school that's been painted BLACK!!! http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs194.snc1/6540_247496780384_626255384_7804726_6386721_n.jpg
Yes... again... But they modded Halo 3 differently back in his day, didn't they? It couldn't have been exactly the same, could it? I mean, they didn't actually have Halo 3 back then, did they?
When he said: , I'm pretty sure he meant the 3 mythic maps for Halo 3 that came with ODST. To answer your question, of course they can be modded. Just like any other forgeable map. But there won't be much point, really
There can't be THAT many old people with an xbox... And even less old people with an xbox and a transfer cable I assume it uses the same source as the open-source one that was posted here a while ago?
That pin is what stops the battery from being a service mode battery. It doesn't 'disable the power button', since you can clearly still turn it off. When you break the pin, the battery becomes a service mode battery. Basically, when the PSP turns on, if it's a service mode battery doing it, it tells the PSP to look for a certain file on the memory stick and, if it exists, run it. This is you: http://2.media.tumblr.com/sYGwuMrEIij3wduz61oQBXmlo1_400.jpg
You can change the Windows Live ID of an account on the xbox. While signed in, if you press the big X, then go to the system blade, and down to account management, in there will be an option called Windows Live ID. That'll let you change the windows Live ID of the account you're currently signed into. Just change the Windows Live ID of your other account that's on Bungie.net to something else, then change the Windows Live ID of your GR4Mz7 to the one on Bungie.net. Simple
If you're caught, you will be completely reset! Just remember folks; Bungie can check game statictics to see if you ever actually got those 200,000 points in firefight on heroic difficulty. Don't be a muppet and hex them
Cocks my Walther P99. "Damn this need to cock after each shot!" Oh, by the way, I was reffering to my Airsoft Walther P99 replica. You have to cock it after each shot.