How can you tell what engine it's using just by looking at a few screenshots? So we are all retards, and this is guaranteed to be true, just because you say so? Any proof?
Those green things aren't grav lifts. I think they're some form of glitch. They appeared on sandbox while I was putting a load of random divinci code eggs on the map. If you're thinking of that video with the grav lifts that push the elephants around sandtrap, the green things are not grav lifts.
Wait... The E73 error is an error with I/O hardware, commonly the RJ45 port. Why would doing an x-clamp fix help? Just test the RJ45 port with a continuity tester to see if there's a break between the port and the mobo, and if there is, fix it. No need for the x-clamp fix, since it will make no difference to the E73 error...
Ah, but are the microsoft MU's exactly 512MB? Surely, if you were to create an exact copy of a microsoft one (using Xplorer360 or something)(like you can with the HDDs) and wrote that to a non-official one, it would work? If it doesn't work, it means there's something clever going on withthem, probably a hardware issue, not a software issue
Supposedly, the 250GB HDDs won't be sold seperately... So EasyB's idea of custom hard drives is actually really practical But do you think they'll actually work on standard consoles? Or only on the MW2 consoles?
They are LIVE files (the DLC ones are)(assuming you're talking about Halo 3). And I assume they have a profile/device lock. The main reason they are there is for people to mod usermaps by swapping tags. And normally people don't get away with bumping an almost 1 year old topic...
At what point did I say that it would work in a 3000 series? Retract that statement. I am never wrong! You are getting confused between firmwares and PSP models. You can't affect the hardware with a firmware update, and the pandora battery is hardware-dependant, not software-dependant. Which is why they can't make a firmware update to stop it working. And when you say "a 2000 series with a 3000 Motherboard", I think you're getting confused with the TA-082 mobo. And that just ended up in a brick if you tried to downgrade with certain exploit downgrades (like the GTA:LCS exploit and the TIFF overflow exploit). It does not prevent a pandora battery downgrade. And if you still haven't downgraded it, subs+55, you may want to tell us what type of PSP you are attempting to downgrade... If it's a 1000 or 2000, you're fine. But if it's a 3000, it's not gonna work yet.
It was a crap bump! The memort stick root is the root of the memory stick. ms0:/ Like, if you were to plug it into a PC, and the drive letter was F, for example, the root would be F:\ MP_ROOT is the root directory for putting MP4's on your PSP (yes I know there's more to it, but that's all you need to know )
I dunno... I prefer the 8086 myself... You can code assembly for that and it'll work with amost every processor in the series. But if the 4004 is what you want, then more power to you! But I have one thing to say to you...
name "8086"
org 100h
mov ax, 3
int 10h
mov ax, 1003h
mov bx, 0
int 10h
mov ax, 0b800h
mov ds, ax
mov [02h], '8'
mov [04h], '0'
mov [06h], '8'
mov [08h], '6'
mov [0ah], ' '
mov [0ch], 'O'
mov [0eh], 'W'
mov [10h], 'N'
mov [12h], 'S'
mov [14h], '!'
mov cx, 10
mov di, 03h
c: mov [di], 11101100b
add di, 2
loop c
mov ah, 0
int 16h
Compile that one!
Yeah, someone's being playing silly buggers with the downloads And about the 4004; What a processor. One cycle every 11 milliseconds! That was just fast
It's not really a tutorial yet, so what is it doing in the tutorial section? I'm sure you're more likely to get rep if you actually made the tutorial in the first place...
I hope you didn't take it personally, I just really don't like macs And I find it amusing that I can automatically win an argument just by replying with 684 words Is that a new record?