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Everything posted by Snowmon333♥

  1. hey why doesn't eveyone just post the same thing over and over, sounds great I think you should perfect it so people think the final montage will be really good why doesn't a mod move this ?
  2. Sounds good, so the trailer should be out today or a week from today ?
  3. I was really wondering how they did the bungie favorite
  4. looks 15 to me
  5. i liked cod 3
  6. are you canadian ? it seems anyone form canada has rogers
  7. me too, i turned 15 like 4 days ago
  8. ahah tried to add you and spelled nitelite
  9. why don't you try reading it ? halo 3 br < halo 2 br
  10. how do you think he got it onto his fileshare then ?
  11. what did you get banned for, like playing the mods ?
  12. i was watching a goldeneye rouge agent video and it had the same cross hairs as the "halo DS" so i knew it was fake, that video pretty much proves it i think
  13. i think it happened again last night, who would ddos us ?
  14. cats guard the gates of hell
  15. I'm thinking the controls probably sucked OR IT WAS FAKE, i was looking and there was a goldeneye rouge agent, look at the aimer it's a little cross in halo DS same with in Goldeneye [youtube:1218t078]8Uy3g4lmSZc[/youtube:1218t078]
  16. Sub way subs are good
  17. the movies are great and i'm sure the games are great, i'll borrow them from my neighbor. or depending on how much they are i could get them because it was my birthday yesterday
  18. should give him rep for how many mods he found for us and how many hits he got the site
  19. Ya i don't think that would work but a template would be good
  20. birdies.. I was planning on using 315 items to create birds all over the place so all you heard was chirping.. lol haha make it sound like a rain forest
  21. it happens to me with internet explorer but not with firefox, other programs like sony vegas also get this. sometimes firefox does but not often I also have vista
  22. thats why no one likes him
  23. I used to have fun playing but i quit because it was just boring to me, being member is the only cool thing
  24. It looks good
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