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Everything posted by Snowmon333♥

  1. Really creative on how you used the trees some of the format wasn't completely right though
  2. Just wondering does anyone know how to use the particles on a movie ? because i don't know how
  3. uhh nvm why does it say melo is viewing the forum but not on the chat, does it say your not in the chat when you aren't at the main page ?
  4. Thanks might use for a little bit, but then ..
  5. http://thepiratebay.org/search/pinnacle%2011/0/99/0 try one of those, should work
  6. That'll be too chaotic lol. trust me it's fun, get rid of grenades though because then people just spawn and throw grenades and the whole game is messed up
  7. ipods are better anyways, Archos' are cool too
  8. happens to me so often
  9. haha, congrats
  10. A lot of spots i've never seen before [youtube:2p3s5jhz]tyk-EX_-BJ4[/youtube:2p3s5jhz]
  11. I don't see any video, could've copied only part of the youtube code or something
  12. Use this format viewtopic.php?f=114&t=3381 Just copy the whole thing and fill it in
  13. I didn't know a few of those, good post I Really want to know how to get out of maps
  14. Really good for your second mod, and a good idea
  15. what ?
  16. This sections is for modz read the rules or something
  17. both, what if a snail doesn't ?
  18. Well sometimes when i go into games i hide the things that change all the colors and leave, he wants that prevented
  19. you people want to get banned ?
  20. yup not even on purpose, i think i try to like get the number in order like 123456 idk 1144 maybe i shouldn't be allowed to participate i messed it up like twice haha
  21. halo 3's campaign is better but it's multiplayer is just less fun
  22. Good idea, Except i don't know how many people would understand what is said in that forum, i think only a few people would use it
  23. cod 4 would've killed it if it had guests online, i think gow 2 might finish the job, halo 2 was great but too many changes kinda ruined halo 3. they made it a lot easier for people with 0 exp kill people with 300 exp and now most generals and brigadiers aren't even good
  24. it was kinda cool to have an organized post of all this before halo 3 came out
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