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Everything posted by .Slack♠

  1. So i can take my gamertag and important dlc on the go?
  2. damn...
  3. depleted
  4. Can it be of you?
  5. not dlc exactly but the unlocking of maps already in the game for other playlists...thats just an update in my opinion.
  6. Too similar. I like the 3rd and last.
  7. not DLC but rather modifying of maps for a playlist.
  8. .Slack♠

    WTF MAN?

    yeah and its like $80 for them to set up your router....
  9. hold e!? so itll be for pc?
  10. new engine!? me likey!
  11. holy shit i want to have a game where one guy is running from assassins or its an all-out stealth kill each other challenge.
  12. HaloMods is gone!? wow.
  13. lovely media gallery...
  14. .Slack♠

    you room

    why are there huge pictures of a d*ldo on your desk? Ill post a pic of my room later but its nearly empty, i have the sickest pillow cases http://www.urbanoutfitters.com/urban/catalog/productdetail.jsp?id=17672833&navAction=jump&navCount=
  16. .Slack♠


    it does look exactly like a corss between mirrors edge and shadowrun both were very entertaining so i think ill end up buying (stealing from walmart)
  17. IT didnt work for me so i used the option where it runs the program as another Windows OS and vista didnt work so i did the windows XP sp2 option and ran as admin and cs3 portable works occasionally now.
  18. mine is a slideshow of epicness
  19. doesnt work for music apps only. He should just connect the ipod to the original computer he put the music on it with.
  20. .Slack♠


    rep is a joke I dont even look at it.
  21. look at the guns though! even halo ce couldnt pull those off that sweet
  22. you know its a little funny lol
  23. beta > retail the models for the spartans were sweeter and the trip mine was awesome.
  24. stop the hatin people!
  25. find the actual icons for A,X,B, and Y and you're missing the loading bar/percent loaded
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