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Everything posted by xValidToasterx♥

  1. I guess its just not to my liken thats what i got mah iphone for but the one handheld device i loved modding was my psp that had some good purposes to it.
  2. Dude that sucks i just hope i dont get banned with there new crackdown style banhammer rules.
  3. lol nice snail but so so cruel.
  4. Ive seen that once before but was just like eh game must be messed up. Did you ever try asking your friend what happened?
  5. I have never heard anything like that before. Yo wam want to get mine and ur swat levels up by playing together and with 2 other guys i found sometime? Im a 41 and the other 2 are 39's
  6. lol ya its pretty l337 there i would post a pic of mine but its just a normal old elite.
  7. Ya it does look blury but it almost looks like the sharpen tool was used in the process but i guess it was not. Like sillybob said just keep it up and try out some new things.
  8. Ya dude sorry i just dont like it. Keep on trying though you'll get better sillybob basically summed it all up
  9. Very nice tutorial if i can understand it anyone can.
  10. I just want to point out you dont have 400 points at the moment.... and that seems like a little too many things for me to do, If it was a little simpler i would try.sorry
  11. It was a pretty good movie but some of it was kind of repetitive.
  12. idk why a person would want to mod a DS i dont see the point in it.
  13. Thanks a lot for this tut its going to be a big help.
  14. My friend already has up a $50 advertisement on google but that dosent seem to be working.
  15. I say that the new dashboard looks like the wii and itunes had a very deformed baby.
  16. Bye Peaches have fun and....watch out for the Bears ...their everywhere.....
  17. Cool desktop guys,I love the Mario wallpaper the most though.And.....MAC FTW lolz
  18. SMOKIEEE sorry noodle/moderator whoever you may be....
  19. I think this is what you were asking for...
  20. wow nice list
  21. I believe you.. but whats so great about changing a name?
  22. The older version in my opinion is better i have that one and it ends up being a little bit less expensive than the 3g every month but it is a very expensive phone to have so i would suggest getting something else
  23. I hear that you can keep your gammer pic instead of the avatar.
  24. umm u changed a name? congrats?
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