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Everything posted by xValidToasterx♥

  1. nah my next is 777 and then 1337.
  2. Happah B-day !! but i gots no cookies.
  3. lol ya thanks i was thinking about going with my dad but ill go see somthin else.
  4. I think all the links that were up before the whole hack incident are broken.
  5. Always loved yelo such a handy little program and the best thing is using it for the AI.
  6. When i did this i kind of did it all by hand lol took a long time, but when i did like mass deletes and stuff i put the stuff i wanted on a big zip drive to insure it was safe. So the stuff you dont want any risk of getting deleted put it on a cd or external HD or anything else off the comp, and the other stuff like fire fox and internet explorer just re-download it off the web.
  7. It looks pretty cool but 1. Not into race tracks and 2.bad link.
  8. wow that was messed up lol
  9. Baby or not, MC+1 tooth = disgrace to da cheif.
  10. lol omg im so stupid sorry bout that didnt read the tittle right, i cant help on this.
  11. Wow i wish i knew how to mod gammer pics.
  12. Smokiest fix it please i want to see it.
  13. Guys lock the topic, im almost 100% sure its noodle. 1. noodle talks like this every once and a while and he sent me through MSN that his "brother" made for me . sooooo im just taking a guess here.
  14. What network do you use, verison? At&t?
  15. Bad turtle makin the cheif look bad with 1 tooth...bad
  16. Thats pretty cool thanks for postin it.
  17. My friend had the SAME exact problem, he opened it up and there was a ton of dust on the fan and everything he got rid of it all and it works fine now.
  18. Its a pretty cool game, i would say its like the sims kind of and its pretty cool in it own way to. But i would suggest buying it as one of those games you get because ur sick of all of your current games and no new one are out.
  19. I believe the God title still belongs to cesar and anarchy but i like this one, the colors go nice
  20. Ya its a pretty cool map nice job.
  21. I actually think its really cool. Nice job on your first .
  22. Theres the working link ^
  23. Dude i say it looks awesome i need to start learning how to make themes for Vbulletin.
  24. Actually i didn't know how to do that until now thanks.
  25. Hey dude i just wanted to give you this tip... go out and buy a prepaid visa giftcard put like 10$ on it and do all the offers because it dosent matter if theres 0 balance on it they think its a real credit card and complete the offer. Thats what ive done to get some free xbox games on sites like the one your trying.
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