When i did this i kind of did it all by hand lol took a long time, but when i did like mass deletes and stuff i put the stuff i wanted on a big zip drive to insure it was safe. So the stuff you dont want any risk of getting deleted put it on a cd or external HD or anything else off the comp, and the other stuff like fire fox and internet explorer just re-download it off the web.
Guys lock the topic, im almost 100% sure its noodle. 1. noodle talks like this every once and a while and he sent me through MSN that his "brother" made for me . sooooo im just taking a guess here.
My friend had the SAME exact problem, he opened it up and there was a ton of dust on the fan and everything he got rid of it all and it works fine now.
Its a pretty cool game, i would say its like the sims kind of and its pretty cool in it own way to. But i would suggest buying it as one of those games you get because ur sick of all of your current games and no new one are out.
Hey dude i just wanted to give you this tip... go out and buy a prepaid visa giftcard put like 10$ on it and do all the offers because it dosent matter if theres 0 balance on it they think its a real credit card and complete the offer. Thats what ive done to get some free xbox games on sites like the one your trying.