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Everything posted by xValidToasterx♥

  1. Awesome tut dude ill edit this post with my result when im done. edit** done http://i37.tinypic.com/wsv0k5.jpg
  2. See that would be awesome i think if we added more fun games to the arcade more people would play it.
  3. Ya he was a pretty good guy, his comedy routine was ok but i loved the movies he played in like oceans 11-13 and guess who's coming to dinner, its a real sad thing.
  4. Im not sure of the whole mod capabilities but if thats playable for everyone and not just host i would love to play the map, is it just host?
  5. Guys please stop posting useless comments and stuff come on im trying to be serious here, now im thinking about doing the disc but sense i have the legendary one a black sharpie wouldn't work that well so i guess a silver one would do but im also leaning toward a poster sense i have one up in my room.
  6. Im pretty sure this fits in media considering he's been in many movies and all. But it turns out he died at age 50 this saturday from pneumonia see the full story here http://cbs2chicago.com/national/bernie.mac...s.2.791501.html
  7. The Dark Knight was an amazing movie but if you want to go see it i suggest seeing it in Imax i mean WOW thats how i first saw it but then yesterday me and my family went to go see it in imax but it was sold out and had to settle for a regular theater and it was no where near the same as imax it was like not watching the same movie.
  8. Wait... what are you asking for? If its for the actual forge on halo 3 im not really sure if there are tuts for it, i mean i just learned by my self its not that hard ust mess around a bit.
  9. Well ya i understand that snail with the hackings and all going on and just keeping up the site its self is hard work but maybe like 2 games once every month would be cool?
  10. I was just reading over the board rules again and i noticed something that really hasn't been done http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?act=boardrules right in the beginning it says that 2 new arcade games will be added each week. But we dont even a lot of arcade games considering how long the site has been up. In my opinion i like playing the arcade and would love to see some new games added more often. What do you guys think?
  11. lolol that would be convenient lol.
  12. Do they have any potable apps for mac? Because i cant seem to find a nice free version of CS3 i only have CS2 at the moment.
  13. To me it looks a little bit plain and for me i dont like the pink and peach type color. But it does all go together very nicely.So i say you did a pretty good job on it.
  14. If your a fan of the show you'll love it and fun but if you've never watched the show before you'll think its a bad game.
  15. lol nice peaches Thats not really the point im not all like zomg its mastur ch3if, if you could get an autograph from someone thats done something cool u wouldn't get it?
  16. See i was thinking the case, but then i thought poster, then legendary helm but i only wana get 1 thing done
  17. So its come to my attention that my brothers girlfriend that works at CDW about a hour away from chicago gets a visit in the store once and while from the man that does the voice of the MC (Steve Downes) who lives in chicago and is a disk jockey at one of the radio stations. So i was thinking about getting an autograph from him sometime but i dont know what i should get signed, anybody have any ideas? And no, no body parts be serious here.
  18. lol the preps may be idiots half the time but they are hot.
  19. Good tut for the people that dont know how to do it. But in my opinion id rather just get out my old xbox.
  20. Thats pretty cool dude, keep it up.
  21. ehh..... i dont like it kinda gay.
  22. I dont really think alot of people on here have a zune most of us have ipods and some iphones.
  23. Lol guys you know there was a GTA game on the gameboy before this and it turned out pretty good, i see this game selling to the kids that have parents that let em get any game they want. But not to the kids that got strict parents.
  24. Very nice i love all the gemini mods like this one.
  25. All those things sound good enough to me, thats all i have on mine anything more is just pointless to me.
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