If you dont have enough ram to run this then you just suck i mean come on. For me i really dont care cuz i already got my mac with 4 gigs of ram so im good with what i have. Just thought id show people what you could do with windows.
Ok 1. Start with this PSD http://files.filefront.com/mac20signaturep...;/fileinfo.html edit it to your likeing. 2.once done editing you want go to file>save for web & devices. then save each slice as a png and make sure to save as images only 3.Once you have all 7 images saved upload them to image shack. 4. start with image number 1 and put it into your sig but dont forget to add the then press enter to go to a new line then add image # 2 5. Now for all the rest of the images dont go to a new line just add it in on the same line but once again use the tag for all of the images you insert, and when you insert the buttons add the hyperlink to it so it is clickable.
I vote we start with decatur that way we save the better ones for last lol, but seriously tho the site is a little bit boring theres not alot of fun anymore.
Sweet i was worried that i wouldn't be able to get the buttons to work right. So im glad to see them working. Im positive im not the first person to come up with it because my friend came up with the idea for it and posted a tut on how to make your own so i will be reposting it on the site later. And i just gotta add this in here (W00t 200th post VIP here i come!!)
Umm ill only list some because i have alot..... Halo,Halo2,Halo3, COD 2,COD 3,COD4,Turok, GTA4, Sim city4, The orange box, Madden 2008,GOW,All the Cabelas hunting games, Assasins creed, Rock band, Guitar hero 1,2,3, and a lot lot lot more
This dude from zelda majoras mask, alot of the zelda bosses are hard http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda06/Bosses/Boss01.jpg http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda06/Bosses/2_Odolwa1.jpg