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Everything posted by xValidToasterx♥

  1. umm that never happened to me in archery i earned all my points fair and square in pac man and such, i wants em back sad face
  2. ya whats your rank in it. Im a 39 and if i have some time ill help. (im better than 39 thats just where i stoped playing it)
  3. lololol AWESOME!! the one with smokiest is the best!
  4. 1189!! snowmon ur wrong
  5. lol WOW i love it thats awesome!
  6. Nice dude it looks awesome. Simple and to the point.
  7. Hmmm idk what is but i just dont like this one.
  8. DONE! it looks ok i could have done better.
  9. Wow now thats ALOT of links Blackspark. Come on back
  10. hmm.. hard choice, i think ill go with Subs on this one.
  11. Omg LEGACY fosho.
  12. Wow i hope it never happens lol, more porn on the fileshare = VERY VERY VERY MAD BUNGIE. Even though there already super mad.
  13. ummm Vahalla? And is that Recon you guys have? how?....huh?
  14. Italian food allll the way and seafood i amazing to (preferably lobster). And those of you whoo like MC Donalds....... u better watch this.. lolololz
  15. I say this should be in GFX show off, its definitely not off topic.
  16. Wow....now thats pathetic there's one thing about just playing a game and having fun... but this is wow.
  17. xValidToasterx♥


    I say it looks ok, your getting better though so keep it up.
  18. Ehhh... the colors look cool but theres to much going on. Im just not feelin this one
  19. Lol i really like the star it looks cool.
  20. I like it,by my opinion this is your best sig so far(but thats just me). Great job.
  21. Nice dude, ive never seen someone do that so far pretty unique!
  22. I likez it, looks awesome i need to learn more bout GFX
  23. heres Toast ill post a better pic later, umm i like a lot of stuff
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