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Everything posted by xValidToasterx♥

  1. i know one game that gives you a pic, DOOM on the arcade and i think pac man? But i got no clue where there stored
  2. w00t there we go me, wam, LXV, and Chilleh sounds good right there.
  3. You need some effects and you maybe need to add some glow in there.
  4. To much everything.....lol more cowbell!
  5. .Eli u haxor that stuff dosent match up
  6. Lol so my total EXP hit 666 today thought id share - taken with mah iphone
  7. November 16th 2078 ((((( i dont wana die so close to christmassss lol that thing is pretty cool
  8. Yea V2 that looks so much cooler with a actual person awesome job.
  9. Ya Chilleh when u get up to a 41 me you and fatwam will get a party with some one else.(for the record i jumped from a 23 to a 41 in one day because we won 20 games in a row no boosting) So if you win alot of games in a row you'll go up reallll fast just make sure you get the majority of the kills most the time.
  10. I dont like em that much they just dont appeal to me.
  11. nice tutorial very easy to follow.
  12. Ya it sounds like you dont have enough seeders, Its because of stupid people that download it and then dont upload it.
  13. so what could you use the cane for?
  14. ehh i dont really like the anime (not sure if it anime correct me if im wrong please) look to it. I like it when you use real people
  15. hmm thanks wam i think ill try that.
  16. Just stop by once and a while subs your cool. What bout me lax i wants to learn.
  17. Actually i just found a really nice deal on ebay comes with the blue water one (the first one) and a wood looking one for 25$ free shipping and there factory sealed so i guess the 1st one wins
  18. Dude wam thats awesome.
  19. Ive seen the skins and stuff but im not really into those, i like the whole real plastic look to the xbox, the skins kind of cover it up if i could i would do a case mod but im not capable of doing that lol.
  20. What is the cane? Is that the one thing on sand trap laying in that downstairs room?
  21. arr so many opinions..... i would get both if they cost a normal 10 or 15 bucks but sense they dont sell them in the US the shipping is on the pricey side and each one is on a different site... and there both $25 so any more opinions?
  22. Yep thats a new hard drive. When you get one red light it means your HDD is messed up. Theres nothing wrong with your xport.
  23. lolz red ftw Griff is the best.
  24. Thanks for all the comments and criticism and ya i do plan on working on the bottom right and top left.
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