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Everything posted by xValidToasterx♥

  1. Ahhh i forgot about having to change ur password thats why so many people are dropping. Lol i actually changed mine 3 times sense we got hacked or whatever happened.
  2. Ya wrong section gotta get a mod or admin to move it.
  3. Impressive very nice job.
  4. nope pretty sure Smokie won.
  5. Yo Mcmodder apply for affiliates if you want some traffic there.
  6. Im pretty sure this is ok to post in the 360 section.... which faceplate do you think will be better for a xbox 360 elite? http://image1.play-asia.com/350/PA.49159.001.jpg or http://image1.play-asia.com/350/PA.49156.001.jpg granted the white dosent really go with the elite but maybe the contrast would look cool? Just wanted some other opinions.
  7. Ehh i hate playing video games on a computer dosent seem right. I like the 360 controller.
  8. Awesome i like the avalanche one. So if you get outside to the flood in cold storage you die? If so that suckks i always wanted to incorporate it into a zombie map.
  9. Just at least keep the black and gray one thats on right now i like it. But the second to last one looks cool.
  10. Sounds pretty cool i think i saw that once before in a forge game.
  11. I use http://www.stardock.com/products/bootskin/ its like bootxp and heres the skins you can dl http://www.wincustomize.com/skins.aspx?libid=32
  12. looks pretty cool but what i dont get is the big pink thing.
  13. Then where do you suggest advertising?
  14. lolollol that was awesome
  15. Sweet that sounds awesome im dl it now. Thanks for posting it.
  16. That sucks dude hope she gets better soon and good luck.
  17. Ya invite only wouldnt go over well i mean we would loose alot of new members coming in and the more members the better, even though some idiots may join...BANHAMMER FTW
  18. Ya crows nest is hard because u gota deal with the arbiter and jhonson through the whole level. Lol its a funny story how my gammertag came to be....but its off topic
  19. i agree with melo but i do like the 2nd.
  20. Awesome nice idea thats sick!
  21. Ever wanted a mac, alienware,or even vista...or any other cool theme? Well Windows blinds does it all. http://www.stardock.com/products/windowblinds/downloads.asp download the link here for the free 30 day trial.. now you can easily find a cracked version on limewire like i did but im not fully sure on the policy of that here so just look it up. here are some examples! There are also a ton of other stuff you can with your windows computer on their site just browse around and have some fun. here is the page where you can search,browse and dl skins http://www.wincustomize.com/skins.aspx?lib...amp;search=xbox
  22. Has anyone ever tried going through a level with lots of marines like crows nest betraying the whole way? Ive done it on crows nest and its hella fun and pretty good challenge if you got it on a harder difficulty.
  23. Ya what is up with all the bans? I mean earlier today there were 2 perfectly fine and now there banned tonight.
  24. Can barley see the guys face brighten it up some.
  25. dang thats a awesome deal if you ask me.
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