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Everything posted by 360

  1. 360


    Yea but it sucks how we got so far into halo 2 modding and modding programs are still coming out today when only like 1,000 people play halo 2. We have found a way to not get kicked out of h2 matchmaking when we mod, and we can bridge, and auto team standby in halo 2 and get host like everytime without even forcing host. Now bungie ****** up halo 3 to where we can't mod in matchmaking, Hard as hell to bridge and get host, and auto team standby. I hate halo 3 modding because you really can't do anything. We can do almost anything in halo 2 without dev kits, and in halo 3 even with a dev kit, It seems like we could only do half of the things we could do that we did with halo 2 modding. If there is another game like halo 3, You already know bungie will find a way to block even more shit to where we might not even be able to mod, even with a dev kit, maybe. That's why we all hate bungie. But yet people continue to play halo 3 when I don't really even play much anymore. One thing I don't get is why antony or anyone else with a dev kit can't mod halo 3 matchmaking. Im sure it's possible but bungie has their way of finding out what we are doing, They banned people and still do for people that put modded content on their fileshare. They even on some content like certain modded screenshots, It won't even allow you to upload it. If you try it to many times and it won't let you upload something, Then they ban you forever. Im probably not even going to consider buying another halo game, Simply because it's not fun to me unless I can fid some way of cheating in that game, lol. Im sure a lot of other people think the same way. That's why I hate halo 3 modding. 360
  2. Probably a lot.
  3. This is an ok program I guess.
  4. I hope you actually finish this so I can use it.
  5. You don't deserve it.
  6. Bump. I bumped this because this is the oldest topic I can post in on off topic. And wanted to bring it to the top because im bored. lol at the sep 6 2007. its aug 21 09 now. this is an old topic.
  7. 360


    Cool I guess. But no one really plays halo 2 that much.
  8. 360

  9. That sucks lost. Not to brag or anything but I have comcast and it's the best i have a really good connection. Like the BEST ever. Sorry if I was bragging.
  10. 360

    Profile Editor 2.0

  11. 360

    360 Prog: Winrar

    Staff member, Move this.
  12. 360

    My First App!

    Can someone please fix this
  13. Lol at PREPPY DIABLO and Slidell.
  14. 360

    My First App!

    Lol I meant to say seems good by descirbing it as you said avatar shower. What I mean is since it's called avatar shower it seems pretty cool since it shows avatars because half the time im too lazy to go to peoples profiles and look at avatars. I will edit that. lol.
  15. I got my xbox today and so I tried this and it worked I really enjoy this one.
  16. Can a staff member please close this topic?
  17. Nice post slip
  18. Delete please?
  19. 360

    My First App!

    Seems like it will be good for your first app I might download later.
  20. 360

    For Sir Boosikens

    Nice Pargy,looks good.
  21. I like this tutorial. Good job on this.
  22. I have the same one and it's pretty bad but that's the only one I have. Oh well. I will have to buy a good one or maybe this one sometime.
  23. Can't we just let this topic go now?
  24. Oh ok didn't see that but this should go to the VIP section.
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