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Everything posted by 360

  1. Great post + Rep
  2. Does this explain it a little more? And Pargy, It doesn't slow down mine, Currently im dual-booting Vista and Mac Os X and it works fine.
  3. Agreed.
  4. My parents read my info online and I pay my own phone bill, And It's very annoying because they always ask me about what I text and If I lie I get grounded, So don't feel bad, I know it's very annoying.
  5. Look above please.
  6. 360


    Ok Sorry I did't think everyone really cared, I won't do it anymore all im asking is for you guys to stop - Repping me, And I won't do it again, Thanks.
  7. Works great, Nice tutorial Fattwam.
  8. LOL this is hilarious.
  9. This is nice im going to try this out + rep
  10. Natal and call of duty modern warfare 2 because i really only play call of duty but would enjoy natal.
  11. Great job on this and thanks, The bad thing is the link goes bad after awhile as posted above.
  12. I will have to try this out Redstar, I just got an ipod touch yesterday, Thanks.
  13. Agreed.
  14. 360


    Download link broken
  15. I would also like it.
  16. Pargy I realized that i'm not an idiot I wanted to see what's in this aio. Because i'm very bored right now.
  17. I agree with you because they fail at everything, mostly.
  18. 360


    MC, You deserve to just leave and never come back, I'm just saying that in my own opinion. I'm not sure what others think about that though. Oh well. And one more thing im sure your just saying we are fat and lazy but people that generally say that are just trying to cover up ho fat they really are and, If you hate this site, Why are you on it and why are you so involved, Because you have arond 606 posts, I just don't understand sometimes and you are probably the youngest person on here asshole so just stfu your an idiot. Please leave this site, No one wants to har the shit that comes out of your mouth, We should close this tpic and/or move to Off-Topic because of some of us samming.
  19. Well right now im listening to, Lil Wayne and Young Jeezy and (Tupac R.I.P).
  20. Way too many links, Torrent please?
  21. Wow all im saying is wow because it says come on we're fully clothed thats just gay bungie makes gay articles.
  22. This is so fucking gay just like microsoft gosh I hate them im never playing xbox again, lol jk.
  23. Well that's kind of weird I don't know why it was censord though, Oh well.
  24. This seems like a lot of work to me but I might try it sometime l8r on idk though anyways good job.
  25. 360 : (Today, 11:42 PM) lol Pargy : (Today, 11:42 PM) 360 : (Today, 11:41 PM) **** 360 : (Today, 11:41 PM) **** Pargy : (Today, 11:41 PM) I said ****, what did you say? Pargy : (Today, 11:40 PM) **** you too 360 : (Today, 11:40 PM) **** you Pargy : (Today, 11:39 PM) I gaves him his rep back 360 : (Today, 11:38 PM) http://www.ibotmodz...._0entry102448 ha justcock you haz 1 - rep idk from who though
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