If anyone can get me or make a skin for me, I would greatly appreciate it, I just need it to be like a 360 Skin. Anything dealing with 360 will do, Thanks.
I don't give a shit if you download it or not, but there was no reason for you to say that, You could have made it sound better and nicer by saying, Can you please post some info or pictures about it here, because im a lazy bitch who is too ******* lazy to download one tiny ******* thing. *Dumbass* And fix your grammer if your going to say it that way. Thanks. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/%29.gif And no it's not.
I found this on another website and I felt like posting it so here it is. This is not my E-Book. Premium Download Link: Enter this to the website below http://rapidshare.com/files/282480540/www.postershost.info-Google.SEO.Secrets.rar http://www.jidox.com/ Password: www.postershost.info
I know it's not an attack site but I was going to see if anyone else got this. And what I blocked out was an IP but I don't know why though. I just did it. Nvm though, Just let this topic go.
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